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City of Roseville, Minnesota <br />convenient for the implementation of the Program. The City will acquire property if it believes there is a <br />likelihood that the property can be reused in the foreseeable future and if the City can identify sources <br />of revenue to pay for such property. Generally, the City will enter into a contract with the private sector <br />for the reuse of the property. However, there may be parcels that are so important to a proposed <br />redevelopment or reuse that the City may find it difficult or impractical to enter into any contract without <br />first owning or having control of the parcel, either through negotiation or by use of eminent domain. <br />The City may also acquire, from willing sellers or by use of eminent domain, parcels as part of a long- <br />term redevelopment effort. In such instances, the acquisition should meet a stated Program goal or <br />objective, revenues should have been identified to pay for them and the parcels should be held only <br />until sufficient parcels have been acquired to allow Program goals and objectives to be implemented. <br />Section G Administration <br />The City Manager shall serve as Administrator of the Project Area pursuant to the provisions of the <br />Development District Act, provided however that such powers may only be exercised at the direction of <br />the Council. No action taken by the Administrator shall be effective without Council authorization. <br />A developer or redeveloper may be any person, business, corporation (for-profit or non-profit) or <br />government unit, including the City. A developer or redeveloper may initiate a plan and participate with <br />the City in the development or redevelopment thereof. <br />Section H Parcels to be Acquired <br />The City may acquire any of the parcels illustrated on Exhibit I-A by gift, dedication, condemnation or <br />direct purchase from willing sellers in order to achieve the objectives of the Program. <br />Section I Public Improvement Costs <br />The estimated public improvement costs and the amount of bonded indebtedness, including interest <br />thereon, to be incurred within the Project Area for the benefit of the Project Area and its Tax Increment <br />Districts are set forth in the individual Tax Increment Financing Plans. <br />Section J Sources of Revenue <br />Anticipated revenue sources to assist in the financing of the public improvement costs located within <br />the Tax Increment Districts and the Project Area include (1) general obligation and/or revenue tax <br />increment obligations with interest; (2) the direct use of tax increments; (3) the borrowing of available <br />funds, including without limitation interest-bearing City short-term or long-term loans; (4) interfund loans <br />or advances; (5) interfund transfers, both in and out; (6) land sale or lease proceeds; (7) levies; (8) <br />grants from any public or private source; (9) developer payments; (10) loan repayments or other <br />advances originally made with tax increments as permitted by Minnesota Statutes; and (11) any other <br />revenue source derived from the City's activities within the Project Area as required to finance the costs <br />as set forth in each of the Tax Increment Financing Plans. All revenues are available for all tax <br />increment eligible expenses within the Project Area as allowed by Minnesota Statutes. <br />SPRINGSTED Page 8 <br />