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Attachment D <br />DESCRIl'TION OF THAT PART OF THE QUIT CLAIM DEED TO THE CITY OF <br />ROSEVILLE DATED JUNE 7, 1960, AS DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER <br />1511814, TO BE VACATED. <br />That part of the east 10.00 feet of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block B, TWIN VIEW, <br />according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Ramsey <br />County, Minnesota, as described in Quit Claim Deed, Document Number 1511814, <br />Recorded June 7, 1960, which lies southerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant <br />168.18 feet northerly of the southerly line of said Lot 7, Block B. <br />And also that part of the west 10.00 feet of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block C, TWIN VIEW, <br />according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Ramsey <br />County, Minnesota, as described in Quit Claim Deed, Document Number 1511814, <br />Recorded June 7, 1960, which lies southerly of the easterly extension of a line drawn <br />parallel with and distant 65.50 feet northerly of the southerly line of Lot 7, Block B, said <br />TWIN VIEW. <br />