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Section B: Project Approach <br />Overview <br />Many communities are following up on their comprehensive planning processes of the last two years with efforts <br />directed at complementary plans, like park plans. Few seem to have realized the potential of their parks to shape their <br />communities as Roseville is now doing. Roseville's early planning processes highlighted the city's parks, and generated a <br />belief that it will be creating for itself a world class park system. If this happens, it won't be by accident. Rather, it will <br />result from intensive study, extensive engagement of stakeholders, forward-looking consideration of possibilities, <br />exploration of big ideas and small ones, framing the optimal plan, definition of the path to implementation, and <br />agreement to proceed. <br />We are proposing a two-part process as a means of defining an appropriate and compelling master plan for the <br />community's park and recreation system. To begin, we would work with the community to define a vision for its parks. <br />Then, based on that vision, we would define a plan for the park and recreation system including a clear path toward <br />implementation. This way, the aspirations of the community and stakeholders become, through an intensive <br />engagement process, the foundation for the master plan as represented in their vision. Key issues and opportunities are <br />resolved in the context of the community's vision in the second stage of the work. <br />Our Work Plan is framed around this two-part process. We anticipate working with a Steering Committee, the Park and <br />Recreations Master Plan Update Team (PARMPUT), who will be charged with guiding and overseeing our work, and with <br />offering us the chance to have local issues interpreted by those with knowledge of local conditions. Our process <br />includes regular meetings with the PARMPUT and opportunities for greater involvement by the public at key points <br />throughout the planning process. We will rely upon the PARMPUT to communicate information about the progress and <br />directions of the work during the planning process to their constituencies. We also expect that the city's park and <br />recreation staff will be integrally involved in this process, lending their experience directly into the formulation of the <br />plan. <br />While we describe the work as discreet tasks, it should really be viewed as a continuous effort. Our work plan frames <br />the tasks we would pursue with an idea that there is a natural progression of the planning process, with two significant <br />deliverables: the Vision and the Master Plan. To give a better understanding of the logic behind a continuous work <br />effort, four stages of work are defined: <br />Part One: The Vision <br />Stage One: Convene <br />Stage Two: Explore <br />Part Two: The Master Plan <br />Stage Three: Define <br />Stage Four: Act <br />