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Attachment A <br />Extract of the City Council Meeting held on June 15, 2009 <br />Public Hearing regarding AEON's request for establishment of TIF District 18 for Har <br />Mar Apartments <br />Economic Development Associate Jamie Radel provided a brief background summary of the <br />request by AEON (Har Mar Apartments) for the City to consider establishment of a housing tax <br />increment financing (TIF) District on the Development ParceL Ms. Radel noted that a policy <br />discussion for the City Council had been tentatively scheduled for July 13, 2009, following the <br />City's financial consultant, Springsted's, analysis of pro forma and background information <br />provided by AEON, and their analysis of whether the project met housing TIF requirements <br />based on income level criteria, once determined by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency <br />(1V�IFA). Ms. Radel advised that final details would be worked out, if the City Council decides <br />to move forward to create TIF District 18 following the "but for" test analysis and financial <br />projections for renovation of the 120 existing units of the existing building (Phase I) and <br />potential increment over the life of the district with the addition of the new building in Phase II. <br />Mayor Klausing opened the Public Hearing at 7:35 p.m. for proposed Tax Increment Financing <br />(TIF) District No. 18; with consideration of the establishment of the TIF District to take place on <br />July 13, 2009. <br />Discussion among Councilmembers and staff included financial projections of TIF and <br />relationship to the funding gap as detailed on the spreadsheet on Page 15, Attachment 2 of the <br />staff report dated June 15, 2009; clarification that the District was not overlapping surrounding <br />properties, as defined on the map, and exclusive to the Har Mar parcel itself, both for Phase I and <br />Phase II; timing of the project to allow collection of increment on the existing renovations for <br />Phase I and applying to the Phase II new construction; and housing district qualification tests <br />determined by 1V�IFA through tax credits and their subsequent structuring. <br />Further discussion included ownership of the complex and locking in of the affordability mix <br />obligation by 1V�IFA based on tax credits; and deed restrictions for affordable housing going <br />with the land for tax credits whether the property remained owned by AEON or another owner. <br />Mayor Klausing thanked staff for the comprehensive information provided in the staff report. <br />Ms. Radel noted that the City would need to discuss deviation from their TIF housing policy <br />allowing for a term of 20 years; given that this analysis was done for 25 or 26 years; or retain the <br />20 year policy, and advise AEON that they would need to find another source to fill the <br />remaining funding gap. <br />Mayor Klausing closed the Public Hearing at 7:42 p.m.; with no one appearing for or against. <br />