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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 10, 2009 <br />Page 13 <br />feedback on your performance; and serving a firm's business interest for rebid- <br />ding or reference purposes. <br />Councilmember Roe opined that it was appropriate for the City Manager to report <br />to the City Council, based on the defined criteria (i.e., job description) and rela- <br />tive performance, similar to that used for the City Manager position, with an op- <br />portunity for questions from the City Council, a critique ahead of the process or a <br />formal review to address issues during evaluation and follow-up with Council- <br />members. Councilmember Roe questioned the need for that procedural language <br />to be included in the policy itself. <br />City Manager Malinen summarized revisions to include, based on tonight's dis- <br />cussion: language on "Attachment D" that included reporting of results to the City <br />Council; feedback that there is a desired opportunity to provide input; develop- <br />ment of criteria for evaluation of performance and report the outcome of the <br />evaluation to the City Council to allow the City Council to connect to that proc- <br />ess; and development of such a form for consistency and reporting purposes. City <br />Manager Malinen suggested that the evaluation procedure results to the City <br />Council be incorporated into page 1, line 35. <br />Councilmember Pust requested additional revisions from her initial review of "At- <br />tachment A:" <br />^ Reformatting the policy to include numbering, not boxed bullet points for <br />easier reading by the public; <br />^ Correct terminology for "best value" to "best overall value" based on con- <br />sultations with City Attorney Anderson, to avoid confusion with the intent <br />of this policy versus state statute and potentially constraining or construing <br />that intent <br />^ In the "Purpose" statement; return language from her version in "Attach- <br />ment C" (page 1, third bullet point) related to ensuring public confidence, <br />integrity and transparency. Councilmember Pust indicated that this lan- <br />guage was in response to Councilmember Ihlan's concerns related to eco- <br />nomic market forces. <br />Councilmember Roe concurred with the proposed language, and indicated that it <br />was his intent to have a policy that addressed Councilmember concerns, while also <br />being supported by City Manager Malinen and workable for staff to use. <br />Councilmember Johnson expressed his support for those changes suggested; and <br />opined that it was a good policy. <br />No formal action taken. <br />14. City Manager Future Agenda Review <br />City Manager Malinen provided projected agenda items for future meeting. <br />