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4 MINNESOTA STATUTES 2008 429.021 <br />(4) To install, replace, extend, and maintain street lights and street lighting systems and <br />special lighting systems. <br />(5) To acquire, improve, construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain water works systems, <br />including mains, valves, hydrants, service connections, wells, pumps, reservoirs, tanks, treatment <br />plants, and other appurtenances of a water works system, within and without the corporate limits. <br />(6) To acquire, improve and equip parks, open space areas, playgrounds, and recreational <br />facilities within or without the corporate limits. <br />(7) To plant trees on streets and provide for their trimming, care, and removal. <br />(8) To abate nuisances and to drain swamps, marshes, and ponds on public or private <br />property and to fill the same. <br />(9) To construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain dikes and other flood control works. <br />(10) To construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain retaining walls and area walls. <br />(11) To acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, alter, extend, operate, maintain, and <br />promote a pedestrian skyway system. Such improvement may be made upon a petition pursuant <br />to section 429.031, subdivision 3. <br />(12) To acquire, construct, reconstruct, e�tend, operate, maintain, and promote underground <br />pedestrian concourses. <br />(13) To acquire, construct, improve, alter, extend, operate, maintain, and promote public <br />malls, plazas or courtyards. <br />(14) To construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain district heating systems. <br />(15) To construct, reconstruct, alter, extend, operate, maintain, and promote fire protection <br />systems in existing buildings, but only upon a petition pursuant to section 429.031, subdivision 3. <br />(16) To acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, alter, extend, and maintain highway <br />sound barriers. <br />(17) To improve, construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain gas and electric distribution <br />facilities owned by a municipal gas or electric utility. <br />(18) To purchase, install, and maintain signs, posts, and other markers for addressing related <br />to the operation of enhanced 911 telephone service. <br />(19) To improve, construct, extend, and maintain facilities for Internet access and other <br />communications purposes, if the council finds that: <br />(i) the facilities are necessary to make available Internet access or other communications <br />services that are not and will not be available through other providers or the private market in the <br />reasonably foreseeable future; and <br />Copyright �O 2008 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. <br />