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10 MINNESOTA STATUTES 2008 429.041 <br />council shall award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder or it may rej ect all bids. If <br />any bidder to whom a contract is awarded fails to enter promptly into a written contract and to <br />furnish the required bond, the defaulting bidder shall forfeit to the municipality the amount <br />of the defaulter's cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond, or certified check, and the council <br />may thereupon award the contract to the next lowest responsible bidder. When it appears to the <br />council that the cost of the entire work projected will be less than $50,000, or whenever no bid is <br />submitted after proper advertisement or the only bids submitted are higher than the engineer's <br />estimate, the council may advertise for new bids or, without advertising for bids, directly purchase <br />the materials for the work and do it by the employment of day labor or in any other manner the <br />council considers proper. The council may have the work supervised by the city engineer or other <br />qualified person but shall have the work supervised by a registered engineer if done by day labor <br />and it appears to the council that the entire cost of all work and materials for the improvement will <br />be more than $25,000. In case of improper construction or unreasonable delay in the prosecution <br />of the work by the contractor, the council may order and cause the suspension of the work at any <br />time and relet the contract, or order a reconstruction of any portion of the work improperly done, <br />and where the cost of completion or reconstruction necessary will be less than $50,000, the <br />council may do it by the employment of day labor. <br />Subd. 2a. Best value alternative. As an alternative to the procurement method described in <br />subdivision 2, the council may issue a request for proposals and award the contract to the vendor <br />or contractor offering the best value as described in section 16C.28, subdivision 1, paragraph <br />(a), clause (2), and paragraph (c). <br />Subd. 3. Day labor; detailed report. When the council has performed construction work <br />by day labor, it shall cause a detailed report to be filed with the clerk and certified by the registered <br />engineer or other person in charge, if there is no registered engineer. The report shall show: <br />(a) the complete cost of the construction; <br />(b) final quantities of the various units of work done; <br />(c) materials furnished for the project and the cost of each item thereof; <br />(d) cost of labor, cost of equipment hired, and supervisory costs. <br />The report shall have attached a certificate by the registered engineer or other person in <br />charge that the work was done according to the plans and specifications, or, if there were any <br />deviations from them, an itemized statement of those deviations. <br />Subd. 4. Alternate procedure on street improvements. As to any improvement or <br />improvements consisting of grading, graveling or bituminous surfacing of streets and alleys, the <br />council may proceed in the manner provided in this chapter, except that it may <br />Copyright �O 2008 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. <br />