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12 MINNESOTA STATUTES 2008 429.052 <br />156 s 1; 1977 c 278 s 1; 1978 c 518 s 2; 1980 c 464 s 8; 1985 c 174 s 3; 1986 c 444; 1993 c 38 s <br />1, 2; 2001 c S s 1, 2; 2004 c 278 s 6, 7; 2007 c 148 art 3 s 25 <br />429.05 [Repealed, 1953 c 398 s 13 subd 1] <br />429.051 APPORTIONMENT OF COST. <br />The cost of any improvement, or any part thereof, may be assessed upon property benefited <br />by the improvement, based upon the benefits received, whether or not the property abuts on <br />the improvement and whether or not any part of the cost of the improvement is paid from the <br />county state-aid highway fund, the municipal state-aid street fund, or the trunk highway fund. <br />The area assessed may be less than but may not exceed the area proposed to be assessed as stated <br />in the notice of hearing on the improvement, except as provided below. The municipality may <br />pay such portion of the cost of the improvement as the council may determine from general ad <br />valorem tax levies or from other revenues or funds of the municipality available for the purpose. <br />The municipality may subsequently reimburse itself for all or any of the portion of the cost of a <br />water, storm sewer, or sanitary sewer improvement so paid by levying additional assessments <br />upon any properties abutting on but not previously assessed for the improvement, on notice and <br />hearing as provided for the assessments initially made. To the extent that such an improvement <br />benefits nonabutting properties which may be served by the improvement when one or more <br />later extensions or improvements are made but which are not initially assessed therefor, the <br />municipality may also reimburse itself by adding all or any of the portion of the cost so paid to the <br />assessments levied for any of such later extensions or improvements, provided that notice that <br />such additional amount will be assessed is included in the notice of hearing on the making of <br />such extensions or improvements. The additional assessments herein authorized may be made <br />whether or not the properties assessed were included in the area described in the notice of hearing <br />on the making of the original improvement. <br />In any city of the fourth class electing to proceed under a home rule charter as provided in <br />this chapter, which charter provides for a board of water commissioners and authorizes such board <br />to assess a water frontage tax to defray the cost of construction of water mains, such board may <br />assess the tax based upon the benefits received and without regard to any charter limitation on the <br />amount that may be assessed for each lineal foot of property abutting on the water main. The <br />water frontage tax shall be imposed according to the procedure and, except as herein provided, <br />subj ect to the limitations of the charter of the city. <br />History: 1953 c 398 s S; 1955 c 842 s 1; 1957 c 40 s 1; 1959 c 490 s 1; 1961 c 286 s 1 <br />429.052 STREET OR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS OUTSIDE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. <br />A municipality may construct street or road improvements outside its jurisdiction with the <br />consent of the affected township, or if the property is located in unorganized territory, the county. <br />Copyright �O 2008 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. <br />