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18 MINNESOTA STATUTES 2008 429.081 <br />personal or mailed notice to the owner of each parcel included in the supplemental assessment <br />and a hearing as provided for the original assessment. <br />Subd. 2. Reassessment. When an assessment is, for any reason whatever, set aside by a <br />court of competent jurisdiction as to any parcel or parcels of land, or in event the council finds <br />that the assessment or any part thereof is excessive or determines on advice of the municipal <br />attorney that the assessment or proposed assessment or any part thereof is or may be invalid for <br />any reason, the council may, upon notice and hearing as provided for the original assessment, <br />make a reassessment or a new assessment as to such parcel or parcels. <br />Subd. 3. Reapportionment upon land division. When a tract of land against which a <br />special assessment has been levied is thereafter divided or subdivided by plat or otherwise, the <br />council may, on application of the owner of any part of the tract or on its own motion equitably <br />apportion among the various lots or parcels in the tract all the installments of the assessment <br />against the tract remaining unpaid and not then due if it determines that such apportionment will <br />not materially impair collection of the unpaid balance of the original assessment against the tract. <br />The council may, and if the special assessment has been pledged to the payment of improvement <br />warrants shall, require the owner or owners, as a condition of such apportionment, to furnish a <br />satisfactory surety bond fully protecting the municipality against any loss resulting from failure to <br />pay any part of the reapportionment assessment when due. Notice of such apportionment and of <br />the right to appeal shall be mailed to or personally served upon all owners of any part of the tract. <br />Within 30 days after the mailing or service of the notice of such apportionment any such owner <br />may appeal as provided in section 429.081. <br />Subd. 4. Reassessment, tax-forfeited land. When a parcel of tax-forfeited land is returned <br />to private ownership and the parcel is benefited by an improvement for which special assessments <br />were canceled because of the forfeiture, the municipality that made the improvement may, <br />upon notice and hearing as provided for the original assessment, make a reassessment or a new <br />assessment as to the parcel in an amount equal to the amount remaining unpaid on the original <br />assessment. <br />History: 1953 c 398 s 7; 1957 c 366 s 1; 1961 c 525 s 8; 1965 c 877 s 4; 1976 c 259 s 1 <br />429.08 [Repealed, 1953 c 398 s 13 subd 1] <br />429.081 APPEAL TO DISTRICT COURT. <br />Within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment, any person aggrieved, who is not <br />precluded by failure to obj ect prior to or at the assessment hearing, or whose failure to so obj ect is <br />due to a reasonable cause, may appeal to the district court by serving a notice upon the mayor or <br />clerk of the municipality. The notice shall be filed with the court administrator of the district court <br />within ten days after its service. The municipal clerk shall furnish appellant a certified copy of <br />Copyright �O 2008 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. <br />