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� _ . ._._... <br />SFCB - Project Plan for Development of PILOT for the City of Springfield �'age11 <br />Direct Service Cost for Public Safety <br />It is important to Ia�ow how often police, fire, and ambulance services respond directly to <br />particular institutions. Colleges in particular often ha�e lnany such ca11s, as do other large <br />t�x exempt institutions. T�� ty��s of ca11s clearly demonstrate the financial burden o�' a <br />tax exempt institutionon the com�n�r�zty. It is importantfor these City Departments to <br />capture this zn.�'o�,��tion and maintain a historical record, preferable in an automated <br />format. All public safety software systez�s today should a11ow for this information to be <br />retrieved. �iistoric information is again important; in particular if there has been an <br />increased demand for services. <br />In oa�junctio�a with the Finance Department, these public safety deparhnents should also <br />estimate the cost per call and the total annual cost. Do not underestimate - the direct <br />departmental costs of overtime, training, equipment, etc. are a11 part of the equation. <br />Additional eosts include the substantial interd�pari�et�taI costs of supporiing and <br />financing public service agencies. <br />History of Building Permit Data <br />The PII,OT program in Boston focuses on tax exempt institutions that are e�panding <br />through new construction, rehabilitation, or acquisition. The concept in the design of the <br />programwas that if the institutionis financiallyhealthy enough to grow it should also be <br />healthy enough to financially contribute as vveil. Furkher, if the request for a P�U�' <br />payment is e�pected and is aslcect for at the beginning of the proj ect, there is a greater <br />likelihood that the cost of a long-termPII,OT will be built into the financing of the <br />proj ect. <br />Therefore, in determining the most feasible plan, review the ten year building pen�tiit <br />history of the major institutions, as well as the ten ��ar history of acquisitions of <br />additional properties. Additionally, it is important to note any new plans or maj or capital <br />programs. <br />Research the Tax Exempt Institutions <br />Utilizingthe data collected, research the largest tax exempt institutions to leam more <br />about their financial ability to participate in a PII,OT program. One of the reasons that the <br />PII,OTprograms in Cambridge, NewHa�en, and Hanover are so successful is because <br />they are �artnerz�g with institutions with some of the largest educational endowments not <br />only in America, but m tl�e �orld. Endowment data on colleges is readily a�ailable. The <br />National Association of College and Business Officers for nnstanee, regularly conduct <br />studies on endowments as do others. Careful analysis of the endowments of each college <br />is important. <br />��n health care facilities that receive Medicaid assistance inust file annual reports <br />with the Commonwealth's Rate Setting Commission. These reports can provide a wealth <br />of financial infonnation from the level of profitabilityto the salary of the top <br />administrator. Additionally, the annual filings of non-profit institutions are at the <br />Division of Public Charities in the Attorney General's 4f�zce. <br />J.F. Ryan Associates, Inc. September 16,2005 <br />