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SFCB - Project Plan for Development of PILOT for the City of Springfield Pa�e13 <br />Conclusion <br />Springfield has the sixth highest concentration of tax exempt valued property of a11 of the <br />cities in Massachusetts. Additionally it is facing difficult fiscal times which necessitate <br />the enhancement of its revenue sources. Given these facts, now is an opportunetime for <br />Springfield to consider the implementation of a PII,OT program. <br />We have reviewed the different types and Itinds of PILOT programs that exist nationally. <br />���her, in examining the most successful programs in New England it fi��her illustrates <br />the fact that every PT.�.O'� program is different. Each is designed to match the unique <br />demographics of that individual coir��nunity. Therefore, to successfully implement a <br />PiLOT program in Springfield it is critical to collect and analyze the local demographic <br />infarzx�.atian and utilize this data to �zal.ce a compelling case for a program in Springfield. <br />Concurrently, we would recommend that the City proceed to hold a conference or <br />symposium on the implementationof a PILOT program in Springfield. The conference <br />would se��e as a springboard not only to highlight the large �'an.aaaaial burden that tax <br />exempt property place on Springfield, but to also provide valuable feedback for the <br />design of a�ioa[ PILOT Program that best serves the needs of a11 City sta�ce�nider�. <br />J.F. Ryan Associates, Inc. <br />� <br />� <br />September 16,2005 <br />