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REQUEST FOR C4UNCIL ACT��N <br />� <br />Date: 9/24/2Q07 <br />I�ern No: 7.b <br />C� <br />7 <br />Departzxaent Approval: Manager Ap�roved: <br />�;�,�; � [ �..�.�.� <br />Agenda S�ction: <br />consent <br />9 Ite�n Description: Request for Approval of General Purc�ases or Sale of Surpius �tems <br />10 Exceeding $5,000 <br />11 <br />12 <br />�3 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 <br />�7 <br />18 <br />19 <br />zo <br />z� <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />2� <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />Intraduc�ion <br />City Code section 103.05 establis�es the rec��rirement that all general purchases andlqr contracts <br />in excess of $5,000 be a�proved l�y the Council. Tn additian, State Statutes rec��ire that th� <br />Council aut�orize the sale of surplus ve�icles and equipment. <br />Ge�eral Furchases or Contracts <br />City S�aff have submitted t�e enclosed itetns for Council review and approval. I'unding for all <br />items is provided for in the eurrent aperating or capital hudget. The items incluc�e the folinw�ng: <br />Sale of S�rp��s Vehicles nr Equ�p�nent <br />City Staff hav� identified surplus vehicles and equipznent tha� ha�re been repiaced andlar arc no <br />longer needed ta deliver City progra�s and sei-vices. These surplus i�ems wilI either be �raded in on <br />r�piacement items �r will be sold i� a public auction or bid process. The itezns include the <br />following: <br />n /a <br />Nn iterns are scheduled faar sale at this time <br />Staff Reeommendation <br />Staff recommends the City Council approve the sub�ni�ted p�rcl�ases and (ifi applicable) <br />authorize t�e trade-in/sale af suzplus items. <br />Cauncii Action Requested <br />Approve s�bxnitted lisi; of general purcl�ases and/or contracts %r services. <br />