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1 REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACT�ON <br />2 DATE: 3124/07 <br />3 <br />5 <br />6 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />ll <br />12 <br />13 <br />Appxoval: Manager Re�vie�ved: <br />� � <br />� <br />r <br />�tem Descriptint�d Award Bid for Sto� Sewer Modifications <br />ITEM: '1•e <br />Agea�da Sect�p�. <br />�. 4 Background: Due to nei�hbarhood ca�cerns abaut localized street flooding, siaff recommended <br />� 5 �nore detailed study a£ t�e storm vvat�r hydrology in the Millwood-Brerzrzer�Avon �eighba��oad. <br />16 This work was authorized by tY�e City Co�ncil on June 19, 20Q6. O� July � 6, 20�7, the City Council <br />� 7 approved a starrn se�wer improvenrae�i pz�oj eet £or the area. The proj ec� vvas advertised d�ring Au�st <br />18 and Septe�bear, and bids were openec� on Septerr��er 19, 2007. <br />19 <br />2 Q The propos�d projec� consists af the followi�g iznprovements: <br />21 MiIlwood Avenue and Bxenz�ex St�eet <br />2 2 a. Drain zlu�off from the vacant lot a� 806 Brenner via a co�neciion to staz�z� sewer which flows <br />2 3 directly to Lake Owasso. <br />2 4 b. Disconnect ca�c� basia�s at 81 S Millwood from tl�e storm sewer that flaws to Chariz� Ponc� <br />2 5 pipe azad connect to the s�orm sewer t�at flows to Lake Owasso. <br />2� c. Connect a catc� basinlmanl�ale at 820 Mi�lwaad to the storm sewer thai flows to Lake <br />2 7 Owasso as a relief for high flow condilions. <br />28 <br />2 9 Avon Stree� <br />3 0 Rep�ace the existing eatch basins and pipe at the low point o� Avon Sfireet with Iarger grate� <br />31 and consiruct an additional eatcl� basin to inerease �r�l�t capacity. <br />32 <br />3 3 Dra�er Avez�ue <br />3 4 As pari of the 2007 Mill and �verla� project, tk�e Rice C�eek Watershed Dis�rict requirec� the <br />3 5 City tn cans�ruct a hiofiltratioz� t�ench £or water quality improveme�ts. T�e projec� was <br />3& already let wk�e� thas requirernent was posed, and the contrac�or's �stiz�aate £or this <br />3 7 coz�st�ruction was hi�h. S�afif felt a�roj ect speci�e to sta� sewer iznp�rovements would res�lt <br />38 in a lower construction pric� �ar tk�is �eature; therefore, we have included it in ��iis projecl. <br />39 <br />4 0 Axde� Hil�s �mpz'overr�ents <br />41 As pas� o�the 2007 MiII and Overlay proj ect, tk�e Rice Creel� Waters�ed District required th� <br />4 2 Arden Hills to canstruct b'rofiliration features for water ��ality �mp�'o�emer�ts. The project <br />9 3 was already let when these requiare�x�e�ts were posed, and the con�ractor's esiirnate for this <br />4� co�str�c�ion was hig�. Staf�fel� a prQj eci speci�c to storm sewer improvements would z-esult <br />4 5 i�. a lowe<r canstruction pric� for these featt�res, therefore, we have iz�eluded zt i�t this project. <br />4 6 This portion of the praject is contingent upoz� Axden Hills' City Council approval. <br />- � - <br />