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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />�0 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />]E��gula� Caty Ca�ancil IVle�ting <br />Monday, Aug;ust 13, 2007 <br />Page � 5 <br />Fire Chief �iich Gasaway displayed the graduatian eertificate of Dep- <br />uty Chief Peterson's aehievement and recogn�tzon in completing the <br />program. <br />Mayor Klausing, on behal� of �he C�ty Council, sta�'�' and citizens, <br />cangratu�ated Deputy Chief Peterson on this accomplishm�nt and fur- <br />the:r training benef ting the communiiy and department. <br />b. Alcohc�l Compliance Checks — Consider Civil Fenalties for Fa�Ied <br />Alcohol Gampi�ance Checks <br />C�ty o�' Roseville Po�ice Chzef Caxo1 Sletncr and Pa�ro1 Supervisor <br />Sexgeant Matt Marshall were ava�lable to provid� comment on �ach <br />failed compliance check. <br />14 City Attoa�z�ey And�rson ad�vised that the City Council should act sepa- <br />� 5 rately an each violatian, in acco�'dance with provzszons in City Code, <br />16 S�ction � 3, � 5G. �ity Attorney Anderson also briefly rev�ewed the <br />17 hearzng prpcedure before an administrative appeal judge a� a later <br />18 dat�, depending on xesponses of each business. <br />19 <br />2o Counci�member Kough expressed his personal concern that licensees <br />21 take responsibility for themselv�s and their employees; and spoke in <br />22 support of the annual eompliance checks, noting thai ihe Ci�y Council <br />23 took comp�z�nce checks and failures very seriously. Couneilmember <br />24 Kough reminded licensees a£ the �aining prog�am made availabl� by <br />25 the Ciiy's Po�ice Depar�ment. <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />Police Ghi�� Sletnex reviewed �he p�rocess, as detailed in her staf� re- <br />port dated Augusfi 13, 2007, subsequent Gompliance checks of f�ty- <br />sev�n (57) businesses, wit� �'or�y-eight {4$) passzng anc2 n�n� (9} fai�- <br />ing. Chie� Sle�z�.er advised the p�opased penalties as set �orth in City <br />Code, Section 302.15. <br />Off Sale Licens�es <br />34 Network Liquors <br />�5 C��e�' S�etnex reviewed the eompliance �'a�lure zncident; noted tha� the <br />36 business had partzcipated in optional iraining; and ihat this was their <br />3? first violation in thirty-six (3&) mon�hs. Chief S�etner recommended <br />38 that the City CounciI au�horize the Po�ice Department and Ciiy A��orT <br />39 ney io issue and administer th� presumptive penalty, pursuant to City <br />