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� �� �� <br />�)a� j o� <br />�� �� ���g� � � r .� i <br />.� . �yNk�.���" � � .� �,� <br />�;. <br />D �.`�'�: <br />'I'�: <br />�'R�l�: <br />�: �'e�fa�-r��anc� �assussie�s� <br />I've scheduled the follawin� date and tirzze %r your tierformauce discussion: <br />Da�e: <br />Tirzze: <br />Part nf the discusszon wi�l �ocus on your accamplis�nents, gaals for next y�az and potential develop�ent <br />areas. To make tkais zrxeeting as productiva as possi��e, � wauld lalce your inprst on these areas before we <br />�neet. '�'hese arcas are explaiz�ed iz� furt�er detail in prework fozm (�evezse page} I azn askzn� yau ta <br />camplete. <br />Return prework fazzr� by: <br />'I'his is also a t�.e fox yau ta give rne feedback o� how I cau izxapzove, Please carrz� pzepareci to name at <br />Ieast t�ree ttiings t�at yau �eel I can cio to imprflve yaur wozk ez�vitonme�t and/or tiia �erformance of our <br />team. <br />I'm loolcizag forvvaid ta a praducEive discusszon! If you have any qu�siians or coz7cerzas, do ��zot hesitate tn <br />contact rz��. <br />