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NAME <br />�Te¢�farrrs�t�ee �i��e�ss�an �'re�aor�: <br />i�ATB <br />1. List the work-related accomplisl�zn�nts yo�a are rr�ost pro�id nf fnr the iast year. <br />2. � Natne t�u-ee ski�ls ya� would iik� tn develop over t�ae next�year. <br />,�n�,: �!es �fskills: ti�n! �rccla�ger.netzt, pu�l?'e �,��ak?ng, gtvi�g�-uctiv� feedbaek, teehnieal job <br />skrlls etc... <br />3. Narx�e t�ree work goa2s you wo�€ld Iiice to �nc�s on aver the next year, <br />F.xczmples o,l`'gaals: estaUlish cr new cninputet°ized frling systeni, develop a citize�� folCow-up progr4in, <br />start a new recreacion series etc... <br />4. Don't farget - Duru�g t�e disct�ssior�, your supervisor w't13 ask yc�u for ideas abouE what Iae or sh� couid <br />r�i,rect(y dr� tn i�n�z�ave the wark environment�andlor tl�e perfarmance of yo�r woric teain. <br />