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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />R�EQITE5T �4R C4UNCIL ACTI4N <br />Date8/27/07 <br />4 I�em No:7.a <br />6 Departzzaen� A�prov�l: Manager Approv�d: �- Agez�da Sectian: <br />.� �� � �� <br />9 Item Descrzptinn: Appraval of Payrr�ents <br />Consent <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 I�trod�ci�an <br />13 Stat� Statute requires tY�e Gity Co�ancil to approve ali payment of claims. The foliow'r�g <br />14 su�znary nf claims �as been submit�ec� to the Cii;y %r payme�at. <br />15 <br />lb <br />ACH Paym�nts $94,557.I6 <br />48622-48748 $338,654.0� <br />Total $433,211.23 <br />17 <br />�8 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />2S <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />8 <br />A detailed report o�' the clairns is attached. Cit� Staff have reviewed the claiins and considers <br />thez�a to �e appropriate for tne gaods ane� serviees r�ce�v�d. All expe�dztures have been funded <br />by the c�rrent �udget, fro�n donated innr�ies, or fro� r�ser�es. <br />Sta�'f Recomn�e�dation <br />Staff recornrnends approval of all payment of claims. <br />Co�ncii Aetic�n Requestec� <br />Apprave payment af claims as submitted. <br />