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1 REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTIUN <br />2 <br />3 Date: $/272007 <br />� I�em No: 7.b <br />G Departzx��nt Appraval: Manager Approved: Agenc�a �ection: <br />7 �� '�°' �� �� � � Conse�t <br />9 Item Description: Rec�uest fox Appraval o£ General Purchases or Sale of Surplus Items <br />10 Exceeding $5,000 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 �ntraductior� <br />14 City Code �ection 103.05 t�e requizement tha� all general p�rcliases and/ar coniraets <br />15 in e�cess of $5,000 be approved by �he Ca�ancil. �n additipn, S�ate Sta�t��es rec�uire tl�at the <br />16 Council authorize t�� sale of s�plus vehicles and eq�ipznent. <br />17 <br />18 Gencrall'urchases or Cc►ntraets <br />19 C�ty Staifi �ave subrnit�ed tl�c enclased iterns for Co�ncil revier�v and approval. F�ding far all <br />20 iterns is provided �or in the current operaiing or capitai budge�. The iterrrs include the following: <br />2I <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />2'7 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />Greenview I�c. <br />Custodian Services; J�ly — Decez�aber `Q7 �$ 15,500.00 <br />Sale oi Surplus Vehicles or Equip�ent <br />City S�a�� have identified surplus vehicles and equiprnent tha�. have been replaced and/or are z�o <br />lo���er needed to deliver City prograrns and ser�ices. These s�rpi�s items wil� either be traded in on <br />replaceme�t ite�s or wi11 be sold in a p�blic auction or bid process. The i�e�ns include the <br />i'ollawin�, <br />�/a No items are scheduled for sale at this time <br />Staff �tecommendation <br />Staff recomrnenc�s the City Ca�ncil approve the s�bmitted purchas�s and (�f applicable) <br />authorize �he trade-in/sale of surplus items. <br />Cauncil Action Requt�sted <br />A�prave sub�itted �ist o� general purchases and/or contracts �or services. <br />l <br />