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1 �c�uEST �oR co��vclz ac�rzoN <br />z <br />3 Date: 08/27/2007 <br />q. Item No: 7.c <br />6 De�a�izaae�t Approval: Mana�er Approved: � Agenda Section: <br />7 ��" "`�` �� Consent <br />9 Iten:a Descriptio�: Apprflval oi2007-2008 Business Lice�ses <br />11 <br />�2 <br />13 Tntroductian <br />�4 C�a�ter 301 of the City Cade requ�ires all applications for l�usiness licenses to be submitted to t�e <br />15 City Couneil faz ap�roval. The follovcTing applica�ion(s) is (are) sui�mitted fo�' caz�side�atioz�. <br />16 <br />17 <br />18 Massage T�erapist <br />19 Michelle Hockensmiih <br />20 At 7 C Penrie� <br />21 170Q W Cou�ty Rd B2 <br />22 <br />2� Massa�e Theran,y Establishment <br />24 Min� Body & Soul <br />25 �740 Lexing�o� Ave <br />2S <br />27 �Sasoline Statian <br />28 Ci�;arette/Tobacca Produc�s <br />29 Max Sterling Enterpr�ses <br />30 DBA Sixty 1 Stop <br />31 2$1S Riee Street <br />32 <br />33 Fivaucial �m�licafio�ns <br />34 The cnrrect fees were paid t€� the City ai the �irne t�e applicatzon(s) were :made. <br />35 <br />36 Sta�� Recammendation <br />37 Staff has reviern�ed the applicatians and has defiermin�d tha� the applicant{s) z�a��t all Cxty <br />38 requirements. Sta�f recommends ap�rflval a£t�e liee�se{s). <br />39 <br />40 <br />41 Attachments <br />42 A capy of the license applica�aa�(s) is attac�ec�. <br />43 <br />�� <br />45 Council Actio� Reques��d <br />�6 Mo�ior� to approve the business license a�plication(s) as submitted. <br />