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REQUEST FOR COU�IC�L AC'�'�4�T <br />2 <br />0 <br />Date: 8/27/2007 <br />Iiern No: �.e <br />D�artment A roval: Manager Apprave�: Agenda Section: <br />7 � <br />$ C,1 Consen� <br />It�� Description: Autharize the Ciiy Maa�ager to Execute an A�reement for Saf�ty Consuliani Services with <br />11 Tntegrated Loss Control (ILC) <br />12 <br />13 <br />1� <br />15 <br />16 <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />3S <br />36 <br />37 <br />38 <br />Background <br />Th.� City has previously contracted with a safety consultant w�o only assisted in complying with <br />all OSHA related rnandaies and traii�ing. The City's Safe�;y Cammit�ee r�ade a decisian ta sel�ct <br />a constzltant who cauld provide more �ervices in saf�ty and loss control. As part of �hzs proees�, <br />ihe Sa£ety Co�rnittee reviewed S pro�osals £irar� quali£'ied area �rzns, and �as selected <br />Integra�ec� Loss Cantrol �nc. as the znost qualified and cost eff�ciive. <br />�n�eg�a�ed Loss Cantrai, Znc., 3�30 Centre �'ointe Drive, Suite 700, Roseviile, MN has been <br />selected. The se�rvices provid.ed will incIude a�acility physical hazard identifcation walk <br />through, a re�ievv of all app�icable OSHA recordkeeping ane� cnmpliance, meeting with <br />designa�ed managernent representatives �n disc�ss sa��ty and healtn is�ues, conduct safe�y related <br />training, coardinate with the League of MN Cities and Bericley Risk any services that �ay be <br />needed, serve as an e�-of�icio member of the Ci1.y's Safety Cornmit�ee or �azardous Material <br />Emergenc� Aespanse Team as needed �o prc�vide guidance and teehnical s��port. <br />�taff Recammendation <br />Staff has reviewed the contract and belier�es all necessary legal and financing provisions will be <br />met. S�aff recoininends the Council to a�ztl�orize ihe City Manager to execute a non-binding <br />Agxeez�e�t far sa�'ety cansultant services with In�egrated Loss Control �`rozz� Se�ate�ber l, 20Q7 <br />to August 31, 2008 for $7,392, s�bject io final approval by iY�e City Attorney. <br />At�aehments <br />•:4 Attachrz�eni A— Copy of tl�e Draft �Lgree�nent between the City o� Rosaville and <br />�ntegra�ed Loss Control �nc. <br />39 Council Ac�ivn It�quested <br />40 Autl�orize the City Manager ta execute an Agre�ment for safety cons�zltant services with <br />41 Integrated Loss Control, I�e. froz� Septazn"��r l, 2Q07 to August 31, 2��8 for $7,392. <br />42 <br />