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Regu�ax C�ty Ca�r�cil 1VV[e��ia�g <br />I1�Canday, Aug�st 13, 20U7 <br />Page 33 <br />1 Additional discussion included interviewing candidates recentiy inter- <br />2 viewed for other advisory commi ssion vacancies; and participation of <br />3 chairpersons. <br />4 <br />5 <br />� <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />�o <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />�. 5 <br />16 <br />1. 7 <br />�. S <br />19 <br />�o <br />2 �. <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />�3 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />4� <br />Mayor Klausing spoke to the recent situation and appointrnent of Mr. <br />Mascl�ka for �wo ��rms, upon advice of �he City Attorney in an at- <br />�empt to save t�me and need �o� addit�o�al act�on; and his persanal <br />misunderstanding of the term of appointment. Mayor Klausing opined <br />�ha� it was an odd si�uation, and he didn't foresee eoming up again in <br />tl�e future, further apining tha� in hindsigh�, he wou�d have handled <br />the appointm�n� di��'exent�y. <br />Roe moved, Pus� seconded, adop�ion of Resolution No. 10541 enti- <br />tled, "A Resolutzon to Defzne the Appozntment and Reappointrnent <br />Process, Eligibility, and Term Limits for �he Members of the Board o£' <br />�he Hausing & Redevelopment Authority �n and For the City of Rose� <br />vil�e;" as amended: <br />Page 1, Ti�le <br />[To Define the Appointment and Reappoiniment process, £�'�� <br />�� far �Iie Members nfi` the Baard a�' the Hausing anci Redevel- <br />op�ent Authority In and For ti�e City nf Koseville] <br />Pa�e 2, Procedure Sta�ement: I.E, <br />Applicants will be interviewed at the establish�d �neeting(s} hy the Mayor <br />a�d City Cou�zcil. The Chair of the HRA Board wz�l be invzted to attend <br />and participate i� the intervzews. The intez-views wil� be op�n to t�e pub- <br />lic. The Ma, o� mav el eci to eliz�inat� any a�licants frozn consid�ratia�, <br />with reasonable notice fa such a�licants and the Citv Cnuncil, priar to the <br />esta��is�ed date a�' a�alicant interviews; <br />and specifically noting that the 6a-day appozntment requirement prio;r <br />to term expiration in S�ct�on II.A. wzll no� apply to the upcoming <br />HRA term expirations, due to the timing of action on this resolu�ion. <br />Ro�l Ca�� <br />Ayes: Ihlan; Pust; Kough; Roe; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />Mayor Klausing briefly reviewed remaining agenda items indicating action on a <br />�'utuare agenda. <br />