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.e vvu. aavvv�v vvvt�it� a t..�ty --�7t. t'ztul x'AUt1lGGi ["1G�5 �Li1lVi'1Q1 2'1"SUd�'9 JLl'�1C GI <br />>`lou?need tn �ead Cad2 1Ci11 regarding use of nan conforming land uses, and <br />their <br />> 3.imitation�,? Since the mas�.e� plan shows Twzn Lakes as a B-�6 zane, a�y othex <br />> use is non con£a�ming. <br />s <br />> T note your last e maal was s�nt at 3 AM thas morninq. <br />> Kysyiyczyn rnust sleep. <br />> <br />> ? <br />> <br />> X�J. Sancts <br />> <br />> <br />} _..___Origi�a]. Message----- <br />> Fzom: c!<x�,.--- :i?c:o�r:c-:�t, .rir._•:, <br />> To: :;Sa�:<.is:?�::T��ao, .com <br />> 5ent: Tue, 3�. Jul. 2007 �.D:07 am <br />Neith�r you or John <br />> 5ub�ect: Re- Howt o Gavezn a City --St, Pau� Pioneer Press �clitorial Friday, <br />> June 27 <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />> Al, <br />> <br />> � <br />> <br />> I reaci tYze whol.e paeket £or �he June 26� ZOO7.r rneetang, <br />> m2nu�es.7 A11 i� says a.s that �hey tnoic aut scenarin 1a <br />> and accepted the P,UAR. <br />> <br />> ? <br />> <br />and the meet�ng <br />£ram the Master Plan, <br />>`Phe 4-cnnc�pt map is riq2�t in �he Twin Lakes Niaster Plan tkaat you get wkzen you <br />> pu11 it up via the Ci�y web site:? Tt is referenced in the Table of Contez�ts <br />tas <br />>"Map 3"), so it Z5 part of the Mas��r Plan. <br />> <br />> ? <br />7 <br />> John Stark da.d not make �ha� map up.? It is in the copy o� �he Maste� P�.an <br />�ha� <br />> I have frarn my days nn the Twin Lakes Stakeho�der Pane1, before John Stark <br />even <br />> worked for the city. <br />> <br />> ? <br />> <br />> Dan <br />> <br />> ? <br />7 <br />> -------------- Original r[�essag� -___.._____.�__.�_ <br />> F�'flm: r��an�?s'<°�,;` .?.��:�n' ��;r: <br />� Please read the council packet pages 199 and 2D0 dated June? 26, 2001 as you <br />> still insist map four is re3avent.? i� is not.'? 5cenario 1 is the only <br />amendment <br />> ta the master p3an in effect.? If yau still have doubts, please confe� wi�h <br />Mr. <br />> 3cott? Anderson.? He sho�].d hav� Iearned hy now £roin a �arefu7, � o£ the <br />> 6/26/01 councaJ. packet, and the actual minute,� of that xneetinq.? xou need to <br />> fallow the history o� this designatinn, and wha� the in�erzt of the Gauncil was <br />> on 6/26/01 to knnw that map four wasn`t even a part of the 6/2b/t}1 ce�unci�. <br />> pac3cet, and was superceded by the master plan back in Janua�cy zaoi.� John <br />Stark " <br />> tried to re-�.nvent i�.? i repeat it is not a part nf the ex�.sting <br />rage d o� L� <br />http://webmail.�ol.corn/29047/aal/en=�s/Mail/l'rintMessage.aspx S/7/2Q�7 <br />