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� vvu, 11llYYL V v�v�x�� u �ae.� --v►. x c�ui a�uxxivi � �.ua� �u�ev��ai a�ivay� �u1�G � � t"t1�C b Ui GG <br />> now in Twin Lakes -- anything that meets current zoning, or anything that <br />> ultimat�ly meets B6 {PUD).? They can rnake theiz decieions on that basis.? I£ <br />> tl�ey build an expensive n�:w light industrial bui3.ding, certainly ihey �ake a <br />> certain (known} risk ba5ed an the comp plan designat�on being oth�r than <br />> industrial.? A� the same tin�e, anyone who wants �o buy �hat propezty down the <br />> roaci and do a k�6 deve�.npmerat nn a.t will have �a fairly compensa�e the owner <br />£or <br />> tl�e va3t�e of the new builciing, basecl on the marke�place. <br />> <br />> ? <br />> <br />> By the w�y, ir does not r�quire 4 votes ta do everything in Twan <br />> Lakes.? As long as the camp plan clo�s not neeci �n be changed, a 3-2 vn�e w�1i <br />> suffice.? It is nnt out oi' �he rea�m of possibii�.�ies for a plan ta cnme <br />fo�ward <br />> that only Tom, Amy, anci I supporG, £or insta�ce.? If zt meets the camp plan <br />and <br />> you like: the p1an, �oo, wotxlct you say that it?is it bad to approve it b}+ only <br />a <br />> 3-2 vn�e?? Of co�rse, �he pre�erence would be to have 5-0 votes on <br />everything.? <br />> It coanes dowzz �n kaaw rnuch each Counci�.membex is wa.�.linq to campromise.? <br />> U1.timateJ.y,?T only control my 1 vote. <br />> <br />> ? <br />> <br />> Dan Roe <br />> <br />> �mdi� na�r7. �c�e:(?C�ri�C����t. � <br />7 <br />> ? <br />> <br />> ? <br />> <br />> ? <br />> <br />� 7 <br />� <br />i <br />> ------Qrigi,na7. Message------ <br />> FiOIii: C.3327c,tS�Gj.:�'��cic:..3, _ Cr.3T [.itt,.c:;..', l:�t:: °°S�a''iri:;i'C}i.:?�:30,:�: . CO���� <br />� Sent: Monday, Ju1y 30, 2007 1Q:42 PM <br />i 'I'O: Cl�7i . l'OP_;,rit:;OM,'.:c`f5i. , rin'C <br />> Subjec�: Re: fipwt o Gpvern a Ci'Cy --5�. Paul Pioneer Press � Fr�.day, <br />> Jur�e 2'7 <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />>? If I haci my dxuthe�s, I v�ould not have voted for the Twin Lakes Maste� PZan <br />in <br />> Jt1ne, 2001, as Kiausirzg (and Kysylyczyn, and Maschka) did.? zt is the type of <br />> central planning, on a very big scaie �hat requir�s a devE3.oper with vexy ci�ep <br />> pacic�ts to implement <br />> that I would arg�e agains�.? And so does Mr. Greenhut.? But the Council did <br />vot� <br />> a.t �xa and did incnrporate a.� inta the ca.�y's cnmprehensive, sa it as ths <br />> law o£ th� land.? Tha� the Counci,� #and K�ausinq) �.n 20Q5 �ried tn igraore a.t <br />wa s <br />> a. ve�y costly mistak�.? If �his Cnunca.�. igna�es it in app�ovinq the A�AR <br />u�date, <br />> ypu wil�. be making an equally serinus mistake.? Recagnize and nbey <br />> the?cons�rictzons your p�edecessors kzav��d on you.? You don'� rea7�iy <br />> believe you?ar�: abnv� the law, do ycau? <br />hitp://�'rintM�ssage.aspx $f7/2f�07 <br />