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+ Y�u. A.1VY�4 �'�-�V Y VE11 ll V1L,' '"""1J4• h(1iXX Jl A'VLA.N{rl t i4A.] .l.etllil4VlliGtA A'AELl.Gtj'� JY.Li1l+ L! �.� Q�."G 1�. ii.�. 1.+.�r <br />> �llciE �7 <br />? <br />? <br />> I view Twin Lakes as the epa.tozne of grand scheme city planning 'to micro manage <br />> o'zrer 172 acxes af developab�e 1and.? The Bb zone , wifih a P�17 planned unit <br />> development placed our ci�.y s�a�� in charc}e nf micro al�. the <br />de�ails.? <br />> How can you nc�� see �his as ztot exact�.y what Mr. Greenh�t was compiaining <br />> about??Centz�a� P�.anna�zag s���les.? ?Also, the B6 zone?�ook away land nwners <br />> rights to do what th�y wan� with their land.? Thay were ozzly given '�he xight <br />to <br />> contznue to use their 1 and? so long as they da.dn't change uses.?2 think the <br />> city should have been sueci �ar J.nss nf valu� of their land.? Now that the land <br />> has been vacant and unused .�a� aver a year,? those land owners are precluded <br />>�rom r�verting back to.that use.? 'Fhey must canfaxan ta '�he B6 znne <br />�aquirement�. <br />> <br />> Dan, snmetimes I wor�der if we live nn the same plan�t.? Cou1d you get more <br />> specific in ynur camments?? Just how and why do you think Twin Lakes fi�s in�o <br />> Mr. Graenhut's stated scheme of freedflm for land owners tn do what they want?? <br />> <br />� <br />> Dan, everyone is naturally greedy and salf centered.7 St as the human <br />> condition.? Wouldn't you want to a.ncrease yaur �alary/compensation i£ you <br />> could?? Corrupt is a di�f�rexzt matter.F The Council needs �.o ba3.ance �he <br />demands <br />> of eznployees against what's fair compared to the'�e sec'�nr.? How snany of <br />us <br />> can match their health and reti�eme�t beneiits?? What about outsourcir�g?? ; <br />Are <br />> you ready fnr that?? By the way, I'm nat ready to fire qnod empinyees and <br />> replece thes� with ou�siders. <br />> <br />> AJ. Sand� <br />> <br />> -----Or�.ginal Message----- <br />> Frozn: �z:uZ.r;,e(�3�or:1c�;.as�L.z��_:�.`, <br />> To: �� ���,"�c�':s;.'.G:.� ::(�r-.;):J.. c�o;r, <br />> Sent: N�on, 30 Jul 2DD7 3:08 pm <br />> 5ubject: Re: Howt n Gavern a Ca.ty ---St, Paul Pioneer Press �di�orial E'riday, <br />> June 27 <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />> A�., <br />> <br />> ? <br />> <br />> fiere is a�ink to th� original caz�menta�y £rom the Orange Coun�y Reqis�er.? <br />> <br />> ? <br />> <br />? r, tT'%',�/':;',7`.:.;):. , .."_n„_.,.,. � ,.t"�:., .�'93/i,�";,?;`�r!.. � �,.-.3/:� ... . �?'^ ,�1}.�-.. <br />;�;, <br />> <br />> � <br />> <br />> I have to say that I read the� piece in the PP on k"raday, too, and came ta a <br />> cample�e�.y di��eren't conclusion abaut haw Rqseville compar�s to the objectives <br />� Mr. Greenhu�, sets forward.? Only if you b�y a.nta the notion that Aoseville <br />city <br />> emplayees and offzcials?are: self-c�r�tered, greedy, and corrupt eoul.d you <br />> conclucte �hat rnnst ai Mr. Grearahut's complaints apply to Raseville ca.ty <br />> gavernment.? <br />http://web��intMessage.aspx 8/7/2007 <br />