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a•ru. �.av ��a. v V� rVJ;FK 4� '�.JAI.)' " �./L. !. a.iµt A iVAA4+tix R At.�i7.7 L,.A.iA.GVA.R4L3 .l AlUG1''a JUAA�+ L./ <br />i <br />> <br />� <br />> A7. Sands <br />> AOL now o����s iree emai� <br />AOL <br />> at <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />� <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />� <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />> AOL now o�iers free ernail <br />r�nz <br />> at <br />to �Trerynne. �"ind o�t more about what's free fram <br />�n everynne. Find nut more ahou� what's free f'rom <br />1 ri�i—✓ 1 V Vl GG <br />:_ ._,. ..,... ..._ ..... ......... . ............ _._.... ,....._.. ,. .._. ____ __. __ <br />Attached Message <br />; Fro►rt: esands26�2@aol.aom <br />' To: d�n..roe@comcasi.��et <br />� Subjec�: Ftird: Noyrt o Gavern a City --St. F'aul Pioneer Press Editorial Friday, ,iune 27 <br />' �ate: Thu, 2 Aug 20n7 03:52:48 �ODDO 1 <br />One rnare qu�stion for yo� regardircg the Twi� Lak�s Master Pian: If, as you say, th� TwEn Lakes Master P(ar�. as art�ended by <br />Co�ncil rninutes 6f2S/(31, and in the comp p[an, altows fo� a �ari�ty of mixed uses, basecf on including map 3 with the 3 <br />additional options, why did the Rottfund project get rejecied by fihe Appeals Ca�►rt as not consistent with th� Twin Lakes <br />Master Plan? <br />And, then w�y da #he scenarios ir� the updated AUAR pass when tfi�e Rntt[und Twin Lakes plan failed? <br />Ai Sands <br />_-�--�Original Message--T_- <br />From: esands2.612@aoi,cam <br />Ta: dan.r�e�� <br />Sent: Tue, 3'i Jul 2007 11:48 prn <br />Subject: Re: Hornit d Gov�m a Ciiy —S#. Paul Pinneer Press £ditnrial �riday, Jun� 27 <br />TV�fiR !�A#��S LAf�JU1N���C-�S �i�.�l1S <br />l�t��; fc�il,�vdin� ���serihes r���r �a��d�;rst�ridi��� o` the ric�hCs ��-�c� c�b(i���ior�s of thE: preseF�1 ovdner,; of pr°o�ef�ty witl�fin the <br />�Twir; Lak�� C�rr��rel��er��ive piar� r�r��i. <br />y(�e -f�,vin La�t�:� Crc�rh�r�:h�n�iv� F'i�n ��si�na�ioi� is a P.U.�. witf� an unr��rlyir�c� P-� (3u��r�css �'���I� L�i�=r���. A�-G <br />C'Jistric� may �� e�f�k�iishecl a��er ca�r�pi�:ti�r; ���c� cit}! a��rov�! o� a rnix�c� �€s� rri���eF� ;�I�i � fo� �i��t dis�ric� ��c� <br />car��letia�� of ei��riror�rn�r�ta! r�vie��. T��is r��s hc�:E�� c�one. (Cnc�e ����ic�� 100�..�I) <br />���a�a���ties r�vithii7 ���e 7`�.fin �.�I<e�; �1��� h�v� vario�s �re �xist�n� xani��� if�7at coriti�7Ea� �� r�arE cc�n��rrning ��ses <br />und�r Cr.>d� S�c�ic�n 1011: <br />�xi�tir7g struc�tui��s o€� us�s ��;F �e;� coE-�ti��i�3ec� b�t rnay no� be ext�;r�dr3c:, �x�a��:�ec, inf���;�ifiec�, �ar ci���r��d, �xc�;��a� <br />�.ttp://�.com/290�7/ao1/en-us/Mail/PrintMessage.aspx 8/7l2007 <br />