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— ..... s,�.. . � . �. .,.... ...«.. ..� .,....> ..�.,. � ....... . ..f.. ..w �. ��..,., �awaevxawa x aauu� � c. � l GL�,L �A V1 G4 <br />���i��:�� F���E; 6� g�a�t t�� t#�� �tli�� �a�� pt�,s� c�s�r��� ���a� yc�a� hc�ic� �t� �� ��ca�cis����. t�re�P�a��ly �� <br />��� cs� u�e c€�i�E i'� ���E c�r�E� pE�� r4��i�s����a� i� a����dy i�t e��e�� �s�€ y��e�� ���€�€�� � c�cv��a�Zr�e�t. <br />�� as�d �'€�C� �€v�s de�rele�g�e�� (�n� �he ci�y) ap�ic�r�s ts� �or�� �ar� �rith �a9�a�� €h�� d�r�°� fi�: rn�r� r��r�eav�� <br />as�ing t�e�i�����a�es - r�6�y �s t��i'°c�r€tr�� p�ar�r�Er��" �r�ri �eaf: �re�c�€��'� i'he r�Whof� ��aa�c� i��� �cz b� <br />p�ravec� i� �fa� ca���a �'s� �f�e �i�ctec� o�ificia6� Uf q�� cagy. I t�irt�c 'i� a� }�as���le �a� a"°gra��� s�83err:�„ <br />>���o� �'r��c�r�E� -- ap�s�reniEy ��� Frie�t�� af T'vvi¢� La�e� t�an"�. �e�€�s 6�ke y�au �r� �r�guirac� a��ir��� <br />�e �1��?� I�as�er ���r� �ha� y��r �r� a9�� sayir�g +�re ar� r�vt e��� fc�d3ca+�si�ag irs r�ta�iar� �cs ��e Al.i�,C�. <br />Jhsch �a����e� 8� i� th�t af��rr�� yes� �� n�e� bog&� si�e� o� t�e �rgve�a�r��, �r�� eroea-y9���� el�� to e��r� <br />�@�f��r? <br />�eedo�; f�tsua� ab��a4 le���r�� Da�t �orrrr�ner'S b€e€Id a k�ig 1�e�� tsr� his i��ac�? (No� �ha� i ar�9 at��ra��B�ra� <br />�a� -�SUi I thw��C Grees�hu� is.� "�he v,rficsl� opg�r��itior� �o Tsn�ir� Lak�s uva� tc� r���ri�� a►x��rk���driu�E� <br />s�sis��s� �cti+di�y (big box ����'sB). Fis��ne i� that ►�ot �csr�sirag ioj app��6tis�r� tn �h� �r��e�c�r� �R�.a� <br />�reen�a�rg t3���ribe�? <br />Je agr�e �n yc�ur la�� poin�. �3CC�C�i �Faa� I�sa raea� ��€�SC�SV�� co�-rcaptie��s �r� �VE�Y c���, �s yr�� <br />��tr� io r�a. <br />Roe <br />i} t�ar�.ra��a cosr�c�� <br />�riginal Messa�e----- <br />m: esand�2�12�u),ac�l.eors� ���aii�o:e�a��ds26iZ���«I,er>t�gj <br />>: Monday, ,Iu1y 3fl, 2007 5:U7 PM <br />d�an. roe(r�7c:o��R c��t. � e� <br />ject: Re: Hnwt o Govern a City --St. Paul Pioneer I'ress Editoriat Fridgy, J�ne 27 <br />view T+win Lakes as the epitor�e of grar�d scheme aity plar�ning ta rr�icro manage aver 172 anres <br />�f developal�le iand. �"he �B znne , with a PUD plann�d unit development pfaced our city staff �n <br />harge of micro managing all the detaiis. Huw can yo� nat s�� th�s as not exactly rnrhat Mr. <br />Areenhut Kras carnplaitting about? Central Planning stif�es. Al�o, t�te B6 aane taofc away land <br />�wners rights ta do what t�ey want wit� their lar�d. They were anly gi�en the rigi�t to continue ta <br />se their I and sa lang as they didn`t char�ge uses. I t�in[c the city sho��d have been se�ed for fos5 <br />�f value af theit land. Now that tF�e land l�as been vacant and unt�sed for arrer a year, those Iand <br />wners are prectuded fram reve�ting back to that use. They rnust co�fortn to the B8 zone <br />°qUlf'�t��i1�S. <br />sometime�� I wonder if we live an th� same planet, Could you get more specifia in your <br />nents? Just how and why do yo� think Twin �akes fits into Mr. Greenhut's statec! scheme of <br />am far land owners ta do wha� �hey want? <br />n, e�veryane is naturally greedy and se�f centered. It is t�e l�uman canditio�. Wat�ldn't you want <br />increase your salarylcarnpensatiot� if you cou[d? Carrupt is a different matter. Ti�� Councit <br />ecls �o �salance �he demands of employees against what's fair cornpared to the pridate sectar. <br />�w many nf us can rr�atch their heafth anc� retir�tn�nt benefiits? What about outsourcing? ; Are <br />t� reaciy for that? 8y the way, Pm not ready ta fire gooc! ernployees and replace therre with <br />Sands <br />__-Origir�al Message----- <br />rbrr�: rfan.rese a�7��srr��a�t.r��� <br />o: esanc9�2�12��eaE.c�m <br />L'h�. �AI], �ii .�UE 2ii0i �.�$ �?�'1 <br />ubj�ct: Re: Hawt a Govern a City --St. Pau1 Pio�eer Press �ditarial Frictay, June 27 <br />http:l/�'i/ao�len-us/Mail/�'�tMessage.aspx 8i7/2€}07 <br />