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,... ����1�� �� ������ <br />�� <br />����r�n ����.1 ���������� ����b��� <br />��� <br />C��� ��r�� ��ffi���.� �i�� 379�.� <br />�le the �andersigned request fhat �e Responsible Gave�uneni Unit (RGU) require an <br />Envirazuneatai Assessment War�es�ieei be conn�Ieted fa� E)atc Acr�s, �e projeet proposed by Art <br />Meul�er and 3ocated at �2Q1 Acorn Roaa'. <br />Alt�o�gh this subdivision req�es� does not z�a�et the rnandat4ry thresholds for an EA'i�, we <br />believe tha� the unique nati�ral features af �e area rec�uize an �Ai� ta �rotect both th.e ex►sting, <br />ar�d xapidly vaz-�ishing �xildlife habi#ai in the area, and tFie �ealth, safery, and we!#�are a€the <br />residents in the �ei�borhaod. <br />Acarn Raad is a heavily treed area wit� wetiaaads, gands, anci unique wiidlife and habi�a�. This <br />area is aiso on �e �nigra�Qry route far many songb�rds—az� i�npor�nt issue #�at has been <br />ctocunnented by t�e T�NR comrnen�s an the p�•opased Nort�weste� �xpar�sian BAW and in ths <br />Twin �Z�iga�iot�. The ]�NR and the US Fish and Witdlife �ezvice ha�e indicated the <br />i�portance af anaintaining, encouraging, and protecting such ar�;as. T�is area alsa hosts residen� <br />t�rke�s, deer, :Fax, skunks, raccooAS, and quail. <br />In addi�ian ta tt�s pra�ectian of the habi�i for the vvildlife, the vegetatiaz� and �a�e trees <br />�nitigate and lauffer the noiss and. aiz' poilation generated by the 10 Ianes of freeway %ra�'ic <br />d�rectly adjacent to Acorn Road which is located at the,�unction af k�ighwa�s 250, 35W, ar�d 36. <br />The Uni�ersity o�Mi�u�esata is plat�an;iu�g a study offi��e air fltering capabiliYies of vegetatiQn, <br />usnr�g Acorn Road as one of its study sites. <br />Othar issues are atso in need oi study atxd saI��tion. `I'he gradi�ag and runa�£plans'are nnt <br />complete, and �ere is na mi�igatian strategy to handie the runoff firom development in this area. <br />Ac.�rn Raac! is a na�rrow, "cauntry road" unique �o Rosevilte. '�'he sty�e aind design af this raad <br />ca�trib�ates to the acnhianae whiie altowing far r�ueh of the important vegetatinn. '�e additional <br />tT2.�� �!'pk'!1 t.�Ic rl�'u�1.0�}}?Ti�?�t w4L�� i??�?'��..�� ��G�=.�e� �� �� �13�'V�, 3iT.f�]82�P.� tFi� 5c'1�G'£�f L'i �:� <br />road; �uidenir�g nr straigh�ening the rpad wautd further dirninish t�ie environmentaliy iz�appriant <br />vegetaEion. <br />Without the infartnation provided by an EAW and the generatian af more camplate and accuc�ate <br />site plans a�xd sotutions to axistiz�g and an�icipateci problerr�s, appraval of tbis requ�st as it stands <br />wo�tld �ioIate city eade, environmental re�iew goals, gcsnd stawardshzp practices, a�d aornmon <br />sense. <br />