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Twin Lakes Business Park Final AUAR Update <br />Comment Letters Received on the Draft Twin Lakes AUAR Update: <br />Duane ScYi rvartz, Public Wo�ks Di�ecto� and Deb�a Blooin, City Enginee�; Public Wo�ks, <br />Envi�oninent, and �`r�a�spo�iauo� Coininission Mernbers; Roseville Public Wo�ks <br />Depurtrnenf/E�xgirzeeririg; August 29, 2007: <br />Roseville Public Works Comment 1: On page 5 of the AUAR, first parag�r•ap�i unde� <br />Backg�ound, the AUAR uses "a se�vice inix ofsuppo�ting uses ". What does this stateinent <br />entail? This should be fu�the� defined. <br />On page II, fi�st pa�ag�aph unde� Scena�io A, the AUAR uses the stateinent '(coinpleinentai^y <br />coinine�cial businesses" as a use in the "suppo�ting se�vice inix". A�e these the saine uses as "a <br />se�vice inix of suppo�ting uses " f�oin page 5? This should be clarified. <br />On page 12 of the AUAR, unde�gene�al desc�iption ofSe�vice Mix, the desc�iption uses the <br />ph�ase "coinpleinenta�y to othe� uses in the Twin Lakes Business Pa�k". The stateinent �eads to <br />iinply that it se�ves the local neighbo�hood. <br />Do these th�ee types of uses desc�ibe the saine thing? If the intent is to desc�ibe the saine uses, <br />then the AUAR should use the Se�vice inix definition ino�e consistently. <br />Response: The Service Mix designation is a generalized land use category that can include a <br />variety of uses, such retail stores, restaurants, banks, and services such as hair salons, dry <br />cleaning, gift shops, copy shops, coffee shops, and other typical uses found in suburban <br />commercial areas serving a large area. It is not known the exact type, mix, or scale of such uses <br />in future development projects, but the square footage numbers assumed in the scenarios could <br />accommodate uses of various sizes within the category, from small shops to large big box type <br />stores. Tl�is does not mean the City would approve a project with any specific type of use, but the <br />analysis has taken into account what the impacts would be if that amount of development were to <br />occur. <br />Roseville Public Works Comment 2: On page 22 of the AUAR, Table 8.1, SubheadingState, <br />the type of pe�°mit application is "NPDES/SDS Gene�al Pe�init". Is this the saine as the Phase rl" <br />gene�al const�uction pe�init? <br />Response: It is the permit required when one acre or more of land surface is �raded/distur�ed. <br />Roseville Public Works Comment 3: On pages 54 and 79 of the AUAR, T�affic Iinpacts, the <br />discussion is liinited to LOS at inte�sections. The inc�eased voluine of tYaffic on the su��ounding <br />�oad systein is a traf�c iinpact that should be discussed as apa�t of this docuinent. <br />Twin Lakes Business Park Final AUAR Update <br />City of Roseville - October 3, 2007 <br />