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Mitigation Plan <br />This Mitigation Plan is submitted cs �ni of the AUAR Update to provide reviewers, regulators cn�l <br />prospective tenants or purchasers of lcr�rd with an understanding of the actions necessary to protect the <br />environment Und limit poteniial impacts by proposed development projects. The mitigation sti^ategies <br />included in the 2001 AUAR have been updated. <br />This Mitigation Plan is intended to satisfy the AUAR �^ules that require the prepa�^a2ion of a"mitigation <br />plan" that specifies measures or procedures that will be used to avoid, minimize, a^ mitigate the poteniial <br />inapacts of development within the A UAR a�^ea. Although mitigation sti^ategies cn� d'�scussed throughout <br />the AUAR document, this plan will be formally adopted by the RGU cs its action plan to prevent <br />potentiallysignificantenvironmental impacts. <br />Any propased specific project within the AUAR cn�a remains subject to applicable local zoning, <br />subdivision, or other o�cial controls. Specific projects that cn� consistent with the assumptions of the <br />adopted AUAR Und that comply with the mitigation plan within the AUAR cn� exempt fiz�m fu�^ther <br />environmental review pursuant to Minnesota Rules Section 4410.3610 Subp. 5 E. <br />The p�imary mechanism for mitigation of environmental impacts is the effectiveuse of ordinances, rules, <br />c�l regulations. The plan neither modifies the regulatory agencies' responsibilities for implementing their <br />respective regulatory progi^ams nor creates additional regulatory requirements. <br />Based on the analysis in the AUAR update and the comments received, the City proposes the following <br />Mitigation Plan to add�^ess poteniial adverse environmental impacts due to development in the Twin Lakes <br />Business Park: <br />1} All necessary pe�rnits cn�l approvals will be obtained fi^om the appropriate agencies for a�ry work <br />or const�^uction within the Twin Lakes Business Pa�^l� The following list of permits have been <br />identified as potentially being required for future development projects.• <br />�:�.: _ � __ _� ... <br />_ EJ�d]T �F ����,11,��NT <br />� F�d eta I��1+C rn itil��i <br />. . r�A . -� —�� _.� <br />Aff�l�f ��i�S Ur En�lne�� ' �e��r� �J� ��rrr��l <br />I. e1;�r �F I�� ti���1'c�r� �uri�� iction _� <br />E �� �� }��I.��u�4��N" : 5F,4F1.fS t <br />I�eke�m��aii�r� �i kleG�a� Rautes ��� � F u�uE� � <br />�faf� <br />� MP�A <br />i <br />� <br />�� ����-1m�m �f H�Q'ih <br />hr1:J C�r,��r��mental �2ti�b1� <br />�o��d <br />� _NPDESIS�S (�eneral PeEm€t �� <br />Sanitary Sewer Extensions andlor Changes <br />�[�riiul <br />'��Iu�L�r �nti�cs����i;�,r ��i7-Ui,Y �r��a��, � <br />a l��Frn.,ai✓rs Rrn.�r,flatiia Rr,v�rRm --- <br />_ FUEuf� - <br />Fu[ur� <br />-- ..... .�.,.—, ..,. <br />F�tur� � <br />Future <br />} r Future <br />S��tior�. •1 �� '�'.' �`�r C�i�ity �er'.i`ic�Le �r b�' �i�,rer <br />'�.'�`�r F�{ei+7 ��c1�:-isipn� $n�,'r�r �n�,n�e3 �ermii <br />$an;�l�r� 5e�r��r ExtP��ion Fa :r,ii:,�pi��l <br />ti�'ell Loc3tion an� ��ns:ruction <br />Fnvir�m�r.i�l F�e'�`-e�'� <br />Twin LCr%es BusZnP.,cs Park Final AUAR Uja�aie <br />City ofRaseville - 0�7o1�r^ 3, 2007 L J <br />