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��`.'} of Roseviile f��+i <br />_}�`'•� : � � _. ' . - . . '. tir � . . . . . ' . . . '. '. — ,-. �—I <br />�� �±�.{ Yl A <br />E�STABLISIIING A STRONG PU6i.iG �EF��.(�6: A�ist cf Urban Design Principles to ensure <br />Livability, Walkability and Sustainability. Revised: December 19,2002 <br />- - --- --.—.�.:_.._ � - �----� . �— ._� <br />�� 6. MAXIMIZE NATURAL LIGHT - Buildings will �naxii�ize the use of natural light <br />and southern exposure, especially along exterior walkways and en�ry points. <br />L, 7. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - Buildings will be outfitted with the latest up- <br />g�•adabte information technology infrastructure. <br />U 8. SUSTAINABLE- Buildings will employ environmentally sustainable design and <br />construction standards. <br />r� 9. SHEDDING WATER - Buildings will handle, store, and clean storm water on the <br />site in a slow and diffuse manner, or collectively with adjacent buildings in a <br />subregional retention area that doubles as public a�nenity, consistent with Rice <br />Creek Watershed District standards. Such innovative techniques for treatment of <br />water include roof gardens, rain gardens, swales and under paved surface piping <br />and storage. <br />� lo. STYL�: BACKGROUND vs. LANDMARK BUILDINGS— <br />Background buildin�s are designed to fit the context that they are in, often <br />participating with other buildings to for�n spaces or'places' and thus attempt <br />to call less attention to thanselves in order to suppa��t. Traditional row <br />houses, shop front and mixed use buildings are background buildings. <br />Landmark buildin�s are set alone in space. These buildings separate <br />themselves physically and visually %•ozn the context that they are in. <br />Churches, civic and prominent coin�rzercial or wor�Cplace/indust�-ial <br />headquarters are examples of appropriate Landmark buildings. <br />Most background buildings employ architectural styles that reflect tixe building <br />context, design character, proportions and rhythms of the region's best <br />architecture, while also recognizing and responding to the region's unique <br />climate. In other words background building style and expression should come <br />second to f�unction, usefulness and durability. An exception can be rnade for <br />�r�ot•e public, civic, or headquarters buildings ("Landrr�ark" buildings), which <br />deserve special treatment with regards to self expression and design as they <br />create landmark sites and are often a visual focus. <br />� 11. MECHANICALSCREENING– Roof mounted service equipment will be screened <br />from view at all times. Screening used will ensure the roofscapes and screening <br />materials or parapet is an integral part of the design of the building with respect <br />to form, materials and color. <br />17 12. GENERAL LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS - Priority will be given to <br />attractive landscape design in the following areas: <br />■ Entrances to the site <br />■ Focal points within the site <br />■ Front yards and exposed exterior side yards and building faces <br />' Buffers and transitions between sites <br />■ Parking areas <br />� 3 � <br />'�: ���_i �~r•71f���tL.EI'I��I v�.i��7 �',�. t i 1 <br />