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2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />6 De�artme�t Approval: <br />7 r�--, <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />1& <br />�7 <br />18 <br />REQUEST FOR COUNC�L ACT�ON <br />Manage�r Rev°rewed: <br />DATE: 11/5/Q'1 <br />�TEN� N�.: S.f <br />Agenda Sectio�a: <br />Item Descriptfou: Approve resolution af s�pport for Clean Water Legacy grant applicatian an behal� <br />nf Rarnsey County Library. <br />Backgrounde The Raseville hranch o£the Ramsey County Lihrary is Miru�esata's busie�t libraty. �t <br />attracts �228 visito�s haurly and over 700,040 annually. Rarza.sey Caunty has plans to expand the libra�y <br />i� 2009. As a part of �his praject, the Library needs to develop and construct storm water rnanagement <br />strategies including infiitratio� and water quality ireatment. <br />� 9 The �'�rzends of the Su�aurban Ra.rnsey County Libraries (FSRCL) i,s an independe�� nan-pxafit 501(c)(3) <br />20 wi�a a 28-year laistory, the Friends of the S�burban Ra.zz�sey Caunty Libxaries provide essential <br />21 programming, funding, and volunteer ti�e ta the 7-member Ramsey Co�nty Libraries (RCL). T�ey <br />22 would li�e to use the plan.z�ed ex�ansio� of the Roseville Libra�y to offer a unique opportun�ty ta inspire <br />23 chan�e in t1�e way tiie pubIic looks at our water and land resources. T�is would %e accomplished by <br />24 i�zstallir�g �nnovative storm water treatz�.e�t techniques, such as perviou� paveme�nt, bio�liratian, and <br />25 infiItra�ion. Ta itnplerme�t these treatmen� techniques they will need addiiional financaal assistance in the <br />26 �'orm of grants. T�e g�rant monies would be used to buy dow�z t�e i�eremental casts ta eqllect, divert, <br />27 filte�r, and store on site storrnwater. Some roo£ �o£� will fall through a scuIpture installed in a <br />28 catchment pond, creating a sensazy celebratian of wa�er; some will be stored in contai�aers ta water <br />29 pla.nts and areduce z�atuaicipal water ��e. Site runoff will be caz��eyed into rain: and upland gardens and <br />30 par�Cing Ia� islands. Local origin native plaaats wi�� l�e s�pplied cost ef%ciively by Ramsey Co. <br />3� Correctional Facility. �'la�ats wiil serve as natural sys�ems to f iter contiarninan�s, retain water, stabilize <br />32 soils, provide wi�diz�e �abitat, and crea�e beau�ifixl ou�door class:rao�as az�d Iibrazy spaces. Plant species <br />33 wi�� be iahe�ed. Their proposed project will help realize the eciuca�ional po�ential o�this k�igh traffic <br />34 public space to showcase in�avative stormwater inanage�e�t and eca�agical d�sign. Their goals are to <br />35 bring mare Iife to tY�e library by extendi�g prog�amrning spaee to th� o�tdoors, creaiing beautiful set�ings <br />36 for patrons to enjay whz�e learning about native pla�ts and animals, ecology, and water canservation. As <br />37 a�onitoared demans�ration project, new technologies will be eva�uated anci broac�ly co�nmur�icaied far <br />38 wide applicatian in resit�ential, camtnercial and �ublic projects. <br />39 <br />40 To help accornp�iska these goaIs, the Friends of Ramsey County Libararies is see�ing grant funds. One <br />41 identi�ec� po�en�iai grant is the Clean Watez� Legacy fi�nds be�ng o#��ered bq the Boa.rd of Water and Sozl <br />42 Reso�rces (BW�R). However, only �ocal governmen� units or LGU jnin� �owers organizatians wo�king <br />43 �ander a curr�za.t state appzoved, �ocally adop�ed vvater managemez�t pla� zaaay apply £o�r and reeeive CWL <br />44 fu�ds. �'artz�er organizations suc� as non-pro�ts, waters�ed groups or lake assqcia�ions mus� work in <br />4S canjunetion with eli�ible applica�ts azac� i�zp�ernent priorities or projects identi�'ied in the vvatear <br />46 rnanager�ent plaz�. As a resu�t, Jan Wolff, a representative af the FSRCL, has requested tk�a� the Ci€y of <br />47 Roseville a�p�y far a Clea�i Water Legacy (CWL) fu�ds on t�eix beha�£ <br />