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'�N` ��� ` C� .�`�� <br />:u" F � 4 :`` r� ,_: �; - <br />�,� `�'� '=� <br />.:5' <br />� r s r <br />r • . r r � <br />�� � <br />� � <br />October 30, 2007 <br />Debra M. Bloom, P.E. <br />Asst. Public Worics Directar & City Engineer <br />City af Rasevilie <br />2660 Civic Cent�r Dri�e <br />Roseville, MN 55'f 13 <br />[3ear Ms. Bloom: <br />The Officers of th� Board of �ireciors of the �ri�r�ds of the Suburban Ramsey County <br />Libraries are writing wi�h an official req�aest relatecf to the Roseville Library. We <br />respectfully request tl�e Ciijr of Roseville to apply an our �ehalf for Ciean Wa#er Legacy <br />fun�s adminls��r�d through the Minnesota ��ard af Water and Sail Resn�rces. The <br />Raseville L.ibrary is fhe busiest public iibrary in the state af Minnesota ar�d is slated ta <br />ur�d�rga a$15,6 million expansinn. T�e Friends b�lie�e the renovation offers a <br />fremendous oppartunity to �howcase ecofogical design and wat�r conservation through <br />innovati�e storrnwa#�r b�sf management practices. Implerr�enting progressive <br />sformwater systems with companion education eom�onents and library programrr�ing will <br />crea#e a model pubfic space tF�a�t serves as a community, staie, and natipnal resource. <br />We ar'� requesting fh� City's cnllabnrati�e suppnrt �nder the guidelin�s af tl�e enabling <br />Eegis[ation. The Clean Water �.egacy Act (MN Sta�utes Chapter � 14b) was adopted to <br />protect, res�ore, and preserve the quality of Minnesota's surface waters �y providing <br />aut�ority, clirection and resourees to achieve and maintain wafier q�alify �tandards for <br />surface waiers as req�ired by sectiort 3Q3{d} of the Federal C�ean Wa�er Act, U.S. Cnde, <br />Title 33, section 1393(d} ancl applicable �ederal regulations. �nly locai government units <br />or LGU joint powers organizations working under a current state approved, loeally <br />adopted water management plan may apply for ar�d recei�e Clean Water Legaey funds. <br />Partner or�anizations rnusi wark in canj�anctian wittt eligible applicants artd impfement <br />�rinrities or prajec#s identif[ed in ihe w�ter plan. The City of Raseville's stafe approved, <br />loca[ly adopted water rrtanagement plan off�rs fhe �ramework for this proj�ct to proceed. <br />Thank you for consideration of our req <br />Sincerely, <br />�^j,L���`�' ('S 'h �`� ' �`��' <br />�,� <br />Na�cy Guerino <br />Presider�t <br />lger <br />Please contact us with any q�estinns. <br />nt <br />_ ...i�' !. °.... � c ���.,,� .�/ `' <br />. , ; :s-'� <br />Doug Smifh <br />Treasur�r <br />