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43 TTF Districi #11 was one of the rnajor �"i�ding sources earmarked under the now c�e£u7nct <br />44 Redevelopment Agree�ent wi�h Roseville Twin Lakes LLC. If past experiences are an <br />4S indicatidn, it is likely that these monies will be ne�c�ed in so�e form or fashion to facilitate <br />46 fu�ure development. <br />47 <br />�S Tax Incre�ae�at Fi�aneing Policy <br />49 The City has an existi�g T��" Palicy that is believed to haue been adapted by the Couneil in the <br />5Q mid ia la�e 1990's. A copy o�the po�icy is included as Attachz�ent A. <br />5I <br />52 Upan xts adoption, the pnlicy (or aray Cou�zcil palicy) reflects �Iie desires of the majoxity of ihe <br />53 Council at t�at time. On one harid it may r�flect best management or goad gove�aance practices. <br />54 On the other �az�cl, zt �s not a mandate. It is at the Co�cil's discretion as to hor� this policy is <br />55 used in decision �alcing. <br />56 <br />57 <br />58 <br />59 <br />b0 <br />61 <br />62 <br />63 <br />64 <br />65 <br />66 <br />67 <br />68 <br />69 <br />70 <br />71 <br />72 <br />73 <br />74 <br />75 <br />76 <br />77 <br />78 <br />"i9 <br />8Q <br />81 <br />, 82 <br />$3 <br />84 <br />8S <br />�t sha�ld be noted that rn t��e 2005 Redeveiopment Agree�enl wit� Roseville Twin Lak�s LLC, <br />ihe City w�nt against this palicy in �pre than one area. The Cauncil znay w�sh to consider new <br />c�iscussions on what thc Ci�y's TT� Policy ought ta be. However, ir� all �ikelihoad that discussion <br />will requixe a cansic�erable arno�nt of Counci� and Staff reso�rces. <br />City Control aver E�nvirana�aaental Cle�nup <br />The Councii rriay recall parevxaus di�cussions or� the s�bject of getiing t�e res�ansible party to <br />pay �'or the environmental clean�zp. The abilit� of the City �o campel either ii'azxner or curreni <br />praperty owners is han:�pe;red by: <br />a) O�r ability io pinpaz�t where and wh�n the �ollution ariginated from <br />b) Our ability tn pinpoint who was responsible �'or �he co�ataz�a�at�a� <br />c) The �ac� tha� the conl:a�ainatipn is con�ained in the grouz�d as opposed in the publ�c azr or <br />water supply. <br />While the City k�as some environm�ntal data that provides �s vcrith an approximation a� how <br />rnuch and which type of confiamination is present, we do not have suffieient infnrmation t�at <br />wc�uld aliavv us to de�nitely concluc�e where, wh�n, and by r�ho�n tkze poll���an originated froa�a. <br />That process could take years and wou�d co�e at a considerable cast. <br />And because tk�e con�amination in its cuz�r�nt state does not pnse an immediate public �hreat, the <br />City cannot co�pel the curren� pro�erty o�wz�crs to clean i� �p. The Minnesota Poll��ion Con�rol <br />Agency carne to a sizni�ar conclusion in a letier provided to City Staf�' in 2006. A copy oi the <br />letter (r.eceived via e�ail) is attached. <br />Ai ihis time, o�.ur �e,st (p�rhaps nnly} recourse tt� ensuring thai the contanai�aation �s cl�aned up is <br />to capi�a�ize an fiat�e redevelopment whic� wi11 trigger federal and sta�e ar�:andates to clean �€p <br />ihe contarninated soil. <br />2 <br />