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Attachrrrent A <br />iv, Removal and/or replacerr�ent of b�ildings and structures tl�at are blighted, abandaned, or <br />traffic obstructions in a project area where at least 50°/v of the buildin�s are su�standard <br />and require either substantial ra�zpvation or clearance. "Blighted" str�ctures shatl be <br />de�iled as structures which have a market value that is less than 50% of t�e average <br />square faot maricet value (as determined by the currei�t year's County Assessor's records) <br />ofstructures wi�hza� a SQD faot radius a�'fil�e "blighted" structure. <br />v. Constructioi� subsidy of, ar rent subsidy %r, low incorne l�nusing of all types. <br />vi. Construction subsidies equivalent to up to ten (10) years property taxes far eom�ercial, <br />industrial, or multifa�nily struciures which, because of th�ir l�ig� q�:aiity tnaterials, design, <br />a��d constz-uction, will have a constiruction �val�e of a! teast I33% of ihe eurre��t year <br />average building valuation for similar occupanczes as pubiished by �he Minneso�a <br />Building Code Ofi'ice, <br />vu. ��blic infrastruciure projects of a local or regional i�att�re (wliich are loca�ec� in or crass <br />througl� the city) that benefit the site or fiuxure de�velopment po�en�ial but are not nartnally <br />���anced tlaraugh �eneral praperiy taxaiion. <br />viii. Other building, land, or infrastructure �ses or impraveme�its allow�d witl�i�a State Staiutes <br />469.175 that are approv�d by the Ci�y Cauncil during the projec� review. <br />SECT�UN 3. Tax I�crement Funds and Policies. Al� Cax incre�nen� revenues, a�ter ann�al d�bt s�z�vice <br />requirements and direci project eoinmit�ents have be.�n �et will l�e depasited ir�to tlXe TAX �NCR�MENT <br />FUND, A� annual f�nancial repaz� shal,l be compiled ii� a manner as estabtished by Minnesota State <br />Statutes w1�ic1� will be �ade available �ublicly as weil as filed with t�e Of�ce of �l�e State Auditnr.. In <br />districts wl�ere increments have beer� generated and are noi obligated to-pay-as yau—go projects, deb� <br />repayinent, or io o�her distric�s, the Co�ncil will eval�ra�:e overall financial �olieies ta determi�ie the <br />advanee payrnent of outstanding debt, district closure or the use of �he funds for ailowable prnjects. <br />SEC�`ION 4. �'t�blxc Purpose �tatement fo� Infrast��eture I9evelopment. From tiine to ti�ne, the City <br />Council ��nay choose to i��vest in i�ifrastructure to improve the qualil.y, quan�ily, ef%c�iv�ness, a�ci <br />efficier�cy of public improvements, programs, and services. The City may assist (or share with a <br />eollahoratar fro� atl�er public or private sector agar�cies} in the provision of such irnproveznex�ts. <br />The pracess for approving i��frastructure developrr�ents includes the fallawing: <br />A. The Ci�y Counci] may designate a review board or task force a��d a e�airperson, and p�•ovide a <br />specife task a►id timetable for the review baard or task forc� ta review suck� proposals. During its <br />designated time, the review board or �ask force may hold public inforrnation Fneetings to gatiier <br />i��pu� regardin� the praposals, and report its �ndings to the City Gouncil for Coui�cil co��sideration. <br />T}�� review baard nr task force rr�ay be composed oi re�resentati�es from the Council, Cl�e Ci�y <br />Manager, Finanee Direc�or, Comzazunity Dc.velapment Diree�or, a repr�sentative from the �'lani�ing <br />Commission ancl th� I'arl<s anc� Reereation Ca�n�nission, as well as otl�er citizens and pariicipai�ts <br />desigr�ated by the Citiy Co�xncil. <br />B. The review prncess s11a11 be eompased af <br />1j Recornn�ea�di��g possible public and private sector eoliaborators or joint v�nt�zres that may <br />assisi in t�e improvement and ongoing administration, programrr�ing, and main�ena�xee <br />costs of the project. <br />2) Recarnrr�endi��g a�iy private sector inves�ments fihat may leverage or inultiply the im�act of <br />the public secior investment. <br />