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correspa�dir�g decrease in property tax�s. These two changes result in �b35,000 �n levy <br />red�ctions. <br />iDiscussion It��nas <br />As yo� will see, we have r�o� re�oved �ny monies tha1: had been set aside £or OS�IA/safe�.y _ <br />related purchases, or generaJ asset replaeements. As I noted in rriy ini�:ial recornrnended b�dge�, <br />we cons�der these itexns tQ be a high p�zorzty in ensuring t�e sa£ety of au� erraployees and in <br />deliverif�g t�xe �evel of service t�at our citizens have co�e ia e�pect. <br />You wi11 also nate that we 1�ave remot�ed �ut�di��g for 2 fiz1l-time inainfienance persaru�el in our <br />paarks & recreation and p�tblic works areas. T�iese positior�s were sla�ed to replace positians t�at <br />werc elizni�ated i� 2005 aa�d 2006. T�is rneans t�e City t�ill have 1:o r�ly an less rnaintena�ce <br />resources for at least a�e more calendar year. As a res�lt, o�u� ability ta maintair� t�e con�itian of <br />city streets and patl�ways, mow t�.e grass in city parks and provide trash and debris removal will <br />rernain challe�ged. <br />Within aur Polic� area we ha�ve �liminated funding %r the CADET an� l�eputy �'olice Chief <br />positians. These career adv�cemeni oppnrturrities will be uz�available ���til 2009 or later. We <br />hav� also eli�inated soz�e sznaller police capital requ�sts, which we rrray be a�le to recoup <br />tiirough c�ur Police Forfei#ure Account nr private dnnatic�ns. T�e patral ove�time budget has l�een <br />areduced by $30,000, k�owever it zs stiil $50,000 �ore than it was in 2407. We expect �he <br />o�ertiz�:ae to be offset by savi�7gs realized by positions that will be vacant ilxraughout tl�e iiscal <br />�ear. Our nortnal turnaver c;ycles laave demnnstrated that we typically have at Ieast one �'ull-ti�e <br />position vacar►t at any ane time. <br />We have added $22,p00 in the Fire Adrriinistratio� area to upgrac�e the curre��t pa�t-time position <br />to a fi.���-t�me pa�it�o�. �t was my intent t€� include fihis cha��ge in zxay ir�itia] recarr�mended <br />budget, however in makiiig the nu�nero�s b�dget c�.anges in early A�gust, it clid noi get included. <br />Finally, yau wi11 notice i1�at we have only $80,000 set aside for coniin�ezicies ancUor nevv <br />initiatives that mig�t arise ou# of your IR2025 discussions. L�nless the Cout�cil desires to make <br />program-Ievel reallncations of budget rnonies, we vv�Il be �u�abie ta implemen� any substantive <br />IR2425 acl:ion steps in 2008. <br />Caunc�� Requested Items <br />Ta date, anly Councilme�ber Kaugh and Cauz�czlmem�er Yhlan have submitted iterns in w�itin� <br />%r considera�ion in �he 2008 Sudge�. Tl�ey include: <br />CO Mptorcycle Patra� (Kough) <br />� Funding for t�e Ros�vxlle Se�iors at Hame Pz• (I1�lan) <br />Capies €�f these Council rec�uests are attached. We also note t�at individual Councilmembe�s <br />hav� also verbaXly expressed a desire io cansider; 1) a mascot for Rasevill�, 2} re-crcating the <br />Assistant City Manag�r posiiion, 3) installing City enCrane� signs, and 4} p�acing more eznphasis <br />on parks and pathways. Th�r�; may have been others as vaell. <br />2 <br />