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1 I2EQUEST FOR C()UIVCIL ACT�(]N <br />2 <br />3 Date: 11/� 7/2007 <br />4 �tem No: 8.b <br />6 Department Approval: Manager App�aved: Agenda Section: <br />7 "� "�' �� J Cansent <br />9 It�m Descriptian: Req�est for Approval of General Purehases or Sale of Surplus Ite�ns <br />10 Exceedi�g $5,000 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 Intrcrdr�ctio� <br />14 City Code sectiaza �.Q3.OS establis�ies th� requiz�eznent tha1: a11 general purchases ar�d/or contracts <br />l S in excess af $5,040 be appraved by the Cotza�cil. �� addition, Siate Statutes require that the <br />1 C� Co�ncil authorize the sa�e o£ �u�plus vehicles and eq�ip�ent. <br />1 '7 <br />I 8 Geaaeral Purc�ases o�- Car�tracts <br />19 Cit� Siaf� �ave subrnirted t�e ezzclasee� ite�ns for Cou��ci� rev��� and approva�. F�nr�ang for al� <br />20 i�ems is pra�ided for in tl�e c�rrent o�erati��g or capital budget. Tl�� items i�aclude the %llowing: <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />Sale of Sur�lus Ve%icies ar �quipm�nt <br />City Stafi �a�ve �dentified s�zrplus vehicies and equ�pment that �ave been replaced and/ar are no <br />longer needed ta deliver City programs and services. These suxplus itexns will either be traded in o� <br />re�alacement ite�s ar wi11 be sold in a pul�lic auction or bid process. The items ineiude the <br />follawing: <br />n/a Na items are seheduled for sale a� this tizzae <br />St�f�' Recoma�endation <br />Staff' reca�nrnends tlae City Council ap}�rave t�e sub�nitted p�rchases and (i� applicable} <br />authorize the trade-ira/sale a£ sur�ius items. <br />Co�ncii Aetion Rec�uested <br />Ap�rove submitted �zst of general purchases and/ar contracts for services. <br />1 <br />