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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />S <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />l2 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />lb <br />17 <br />I8 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />2� <br />25 <br />2G <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />�L <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />3G <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />�o <br />WHEREAS, the 2000 U.S. G�obal Change Research Pr4gram's (USGCRP) F�rst National <br />Assessment ir�dicated tha� global wa.z�nr�ing has begun; and <br />WHEREAS, 162 countries including the United Siatos pled�ed �der tkze United Nations Framewark <br />Convention on Climate Change to zeduce thezr �'eenho�se gas emissions; and <br />0. <br />VVHEREAS, energy consurnption, specifzcally the burning of fossil fuels, aecounts for more tha�a <br />80% of U.S. greenhause gas emissians; and <br />WT-TER.EAS, lacal gov�rnmen.� aetinns taken to reduce greenho�.se gas erar�isszoz�s and increase energy <br />ef�ciency �rovide mul�iple Iacal bene�"its by decreasing aiar pol�utior�, careatang j obs, reducit�g energy <br />expend'ztures, and saving money �'or the lacal govez�znent, its businesses, a�d its residents; anci <br />WHEREAS, the Ciiies �or Cli�naie Protection� Gaxnpaign spnnsored l�y ICLEI — Local Governments <br />far Sustainability has invi�ed �he City tn jain �CLEI and become a partner in ihe Cities for Ciimate <br />Pratec�zan. Campaign; <br />NaW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Couz�czl of the City of Rosevill� �hat: <br />the City afRaseville, Minnesota, will join �CLEI as a FuII Mernber ar�d participate in the Cities for <br />Cli�nate Prot�ctio� Ca�paagn and, as a par�icipar��, �3I�C��05 10 ��IC� ����C��1'S�13p I'O�E 1T1 �3�'D�"d1Qtl21�T, <br />public awareness abou� the causes and impact� o�'climaie cha�ge. <br />BE �T F�CJJKTHER RESOLVED, t�at the Ci�y wilI unciertake the Cities �or Climaie Protection <br />Campaign's five milestone� ta areduce both greer�house gas ar�d air polluiion e�nissions thra�ghoui <br />the comznunity, anc� specifically: <br />• Conduet a�re�nhouse gas ernissions inventory and forecasi to detez�ine th� so�rce and <br />quax�tity o�gre�r�house gas emissioz�s in i�e jurisciictio�; <br />• Establish a greenhouse gas emissions reduetion target; <br />• Develop an action plan wit� both exzstzng and future actions which wY�en irnplernen�ed witl <br />tneet ihe local g�'eenhouse gas reduetion iarget; <br />• �rrzplement �he actia� plan; and <br />• Manitnr ar�d report progross; a�d <br />BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED ihat �he City of Roseville req�ests a,ssistance fram ICLEI's Citi�s fvr <br />Clirriate Protection Campaign as it pragt'esses thraugh the mileston�s. <br />The rz�otzon for the adoption af the foregoing resolutinn was duly seconded �ay a.zad upon vote <br />being �aken th�reon, the follor�ing voted iz� favar; and �he following voied a�ai�st �e same: <br />