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49S I-2 General indus#rial di�triets <br />49b I�2A Mndified gezzeral ind�siraa� c�istricts <br />497 D. �'l�ned Uni� Deve�opment Districts: <br />49$ PUD k'lanned unit developinent district <br />499 E. Overla Disiricts <br />500 SFROD Single-fainily residential overlay d'rstrict <br />501 <br />502 <br />S03 <br />504 <br />(�rd. 500, S-$-196F; amd. Ord. 572, 4-29-1968; Ord. 756, b-23-1975; Ord. 895, 1-11-�982; <br />�� 995 CQde; Ord. 1276, 12-i 6-20(12• Ord �XXX ��X-XXXX) <br />�Q03.02: OFFTCIAL N�A�', I]ES�GNATIONS: <br />SOS The locatio� and baundaries of �he districts established by this cocie are set fort� ozz t�e zoning <br />506 map, consisting of fifteen {�5) sec�ions entitled the of�'icial zoz�ing map of the city dated May 12, <br />507 1959, �rhich is hereby adopted as tk�e official zoniz�g map of �he city, ar�d is incorporated her�in <br />508 and made a part o�this code. (Ord. 275, 5-12-1959) <br />509 A. <br />S10 <br />511 <br />512 B. <br />513 <br />514 C. <br />S�S <br />516 D. <br />517 <br />S�8 <br />519 �. <br />520 <br />52I F. <br />522 <br />523 G. <br />52� <br />525 H. <br />S26 <br />52� I. <br />528 <br />529 J. <br />S30 <br />531 K. <br />532 <br />533 L. <br />S34 <br />535 1V�. <br />536 <br />537 N. <br />S38 <br />Single-Family Residence District: A�I the lands and areas in the eity o� sazd zoning map are <br />�aned R-1, single-�arniiy residence district, un�ess otherwise designated. {Ord. 275, 5-� 2- <br />� 959; ar�d. 1995 Code} <br />Twa-�amil� Residence District: All la�ds and areas in tk�e city designated a� said zoning <br />an�aap as R-2 are �ereby zo�ed R-2, two-fa�nily residence di�trict. <br />General Res�dence District: A11 lands an� areas in the city designated on said zaning �ap as <br />R-3 are �ere�y zoned R-3; general residence district. (Ord. 275, 5-12-1959) <br />Tl�ree- to Twenty Fau�r-�'amily Reside�ce Distrrict: All lar�ds and areas in the city �.esignated <br />orn said zo�aizzg �ap as R-3A are hereby zaned R-3A, three- to twcn�y fowr-familq residence <br />district. <br />T�ee- and �'our-I'amily Resid�nce District: Ali lands and axeas i� �he city deszgnated on <br />sazd zoning map as R�4 are hereby zoned R-4, tl�ree� io �our-family residence district. <br />Three- to �ightwFa�ily R�sidence District: All lands and areas in t�e city designated o� said <br />zoning znap as R-5 are �ereby zane� R-5, tl�ree- to eighr-�'amily residence aistr�ct. <br />Townhouse District: Ali lands and axeas i� the city designateci an said zan��g rnap as R-6 <br />a�e hereby zoned R-&, townhouse d'zs�rict. <br />Apari�aent Par� District: Al� lands and areas in the city designa�ed on said zoning zx�ap as R- <br />7 are hereby zoned R-7, apartment park district. (Ord. 500, 8-5-196b) <br />Mobite Home Distriet: All lanc�s and areas in the city designated on said zoning �z�ap as R-8 <br />are �ereby znned R-8, znobile hoz�ae district. (Ord. 756, �-23�-1975) <br />Limi�ec� B�sizzess Dzstrict: All �ands an� areas in the city des�gnated on said zoning �aa,ap as <br />B-1, are hereby zoned 8-1,limited busin�ss district. (Ord. 275, 5-12-1959} <br />Lzmited Retail: All lanc�s and areas i� the city designated o� said zaning �ap as B-1B are <br />hereby zon�d B-lB, limited retazl district. (Ord. 572, 4-29-1968) <br />Retail Busi�ess Districi: All lands and areas in the city designatcd on said zoning zzzap as B- <br />2, are hereby zoned B-2, refiail b�siness dis�riet. <br />General Busine�� District: AIl lands arrd areas in the city designated nn said za�ing xnap as <br />B-3 are hereby zoned $-3, generai busiz�ess district. (Ord. 275, 5-12-1959} <br />Re�ail O�fice Serv�ce District: A�1lands and areas in t�e city designated on said zoning zna}� <br />as B-� aare �ereby zaned B-4, retail aifice service distric�. (4rd. 895, 1-11-19$2) <br />13 <br />