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32 overlay zoning withiz� the de�ni�ian section; tl�e addi�ion of the Sin�Ie�Fa�ily Reside�tial <br />33 4verlay Distriet (SFROD) into the �se table zn ,Sect�on 1 D04.016; mak�ng refez-ez�ce to t�e <br />3� S�'ROD section as part of the table in �Section 1004.0 i 5; changing the phrase "parcel line'> <br />35 to "lot line" in the aforementionecl tables. The Cornmissio�� continued the public �earing <br />36 ut�ti� i�s Naverr�ber lneetin�. (S�� Atiachn�ent C to xeview meati��g mix7utes fro�n ti�is <br />3'7 m�eti�g.) <br />38 2.6 O� Navember 7, 200'7, the Planning Co�a�ission conti�ued the public hearing on tl�e <br />39 proposed aznendrr�ents to t�e City's Zoning and Subdivis�on Code. One rnez�nber of �he <br />40 public macie coznme�.t on the prc�posed arnendment�, and specifically spoke to those <br />41 within the prearnble o�the zoning code. He wa�ted to ensure that the proposed changas <br />42 truly reflec�ed those recommended by the Sin�le-Farnily Reside��tiat Lat Sptit Ad�isory <br />43 Group and s�zggest t�at the worc� "marals" be strttck frazr� t�.e p��arr�bie. During the <br />44 meeti�:g, �lanning Cammission M�rnbers determined ihat the language that was prepared <br />45 b� Staff d�d ma�ch that recomme�rled by the Advisnry Grnup and decided not ta change <br />45 the recomz�ended preaz�ble. (See Aitachment D�o review rr�eeting mint�tes fro�n this <br />A�7 mee�ing.) <br />48 The Pla�nin� Coznrnission s�pporfed the ar�ez�tdments to both Title 10 anc� Titie 11 of �he <br />49 City Code with the conditian that�� be clarified as discussed dtzring the rz�ee�i��g. <br />50 (This revised language is reflected in fihe draft ordinance and includes revision.of "pareel <br />51 line" to "lot line" in Sections I004.O1S and 1004.0�6 anc� the addition of annual review n� <br />52 the Zon�ng Map in S�ctian 1009.04.) <br />53 3.D <br />54 3.1 <br />55 <br />56 3.2 <br />5'7 <br />58 4ea <br />59 4.1 <br />GO <br />STAFF RECOMN��NDATION <br />The P�a�z�g Divisioz� recommends �l�a� the City Council apprave ar� Ordiance that <br />amends the zox�ing ar�d subdiviszon code as described above. <br />Ap�rove tk�e sum�nazy of a�nendrnents to t�e Zaning and Subdivision Code that will sezve <br />as the o�'fzcially publis�ed notice for the adop�ed Code amendrnents. <br />SUGGESTED CO�JNC�L ACTION <br />Discuss, adaption oiamenclz�z�ents to t�e City's Zoning Code (Tiile 10} and Subdivzszan <br />Code (Title 11). <br />61 4.2 Discuss ��Ze Ordinance S�nmary deser�bing the amendments to the City's Zc�ning Cade <br />62 (Title 10} ar�d the Subdivi�ion Code (Title 11} to be used for official publicatioz�. <br />63 1'repared by; 3arnie i2adel, Cominunity 1]evelapza�ent <br />64 A�tachments: <br />65 <br />66 <br />67 <br />G$ <br />A. <br />B. <br />C. <br />D. <br />E. <br />Draft Ordinance <br />Dra�t �onang Map <br />Mee�ing Minuies—Pla��ning Commission, October 3, 2Q07 <br />Meeting Minutes—Planning Com�raissian, Navember 7, 20p'7 <br />Dza�t Ordinance Suzzata�ary <br />Zoning and Subdi�ision Code Amendm�nts (Proj-€�0�1} Page 2 oiF2 <br />