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2142 <br />2143 <br />2144 <br />2145 <br />214b <br />2147 <br />2148 <br />219�9 <br />2�5� <br />2151 <br />2152 <br />2153 <br />2X54 <br />2�SS <br />215b <br />2�57 <br />2158 <br />2159 <br />2164 <br />2161 <br />2�62 <br />2163 <br />2164 <br />21b5 <br />2166 <br />216'� <br />2168 <br />2169 <br />2�70 <br />2171 <br />2�72 <br />2173 <br />2174 <br />2175 <br />217b <br />2177 <br />2178 <br />2179 <br />z�so <br />��s� <br />2182 <br />2183 <br />1009.01: Purpo�e: <br />To rovide overla zQnin dist:ricts that additianall re ulate uses arad cha;racteristics o� uses <br />ermi�ted in riinar zo�in distriets as deeined in the �blic ir�terest. <br />1009,02: �stablishment of Districts: <br />Tl�e folinwii� over�a dis�ric�s are hereb �stablished: <br />A. Sin le-Famil Resic�e�tia� Overla District <br />1009.03: A lica�ilit and I�ate retation: <br />All rovisions of the Zo�1in Code shall a 1�o tl�e overla zonin districts• however i�� an <br />instanee �r�ere tl�e rovisions of an overla ;�oni� district shall corzflict witk� the ravisio�s of a <br />riznar zanin district the rovisions of the ovarla zoni�� distriet shall talce zeeedence and <br />o� vern• <br />1 Q49.04: Sin te-Fa�i� �2esidei2tial SFR Overla District <br />A. �'ur ose. The ur ose o#�tl�e Sin le-Faz�il Residen�ial Overla District zs �o errni� <br />utilization o�' isolated recarded lo�s thai were latted on or be�ore Ma 2� � 959 tlzat do not <br />n�eet but are withi�� 70 ercent of the R-1 Sin le-�'azaa�l Residential width area a��dJoz- <br />o er� s aee �e uire�nen�s as ac�o ted wit�in tl�is Code so lon as reaso�able livir� standards <br />can be t�rovided. (Ord. XXX � <br />B. Perzzaitted Us�s: Penr�itted �.�ses in the SFROD are t�e sar�e as those witllin the R-1 Dis�ricti. <br />See Sectio�� 1 Q04.02 A. <br />C. Permitted Accessor Uses: Per�a�itted acc��sar uses i� the S�'R�D are the sa�x�e as tl�ose <br />wit%in the R-1 D�st�zct. See Section 1004�.Q2 B. <br />D. Uses Allowed B Conditional Use Perznit: Conditional �ses in t�ae S�ROD are the sata�e as <br />those �ax R-1 District. See Sectior� <br />1 Q0�.02(C). <br />�. Dweliin Dizn�nsions And A earar�ces Az�d H�i ht Fronta e Yard And Lot Area <br />Re uirements In SFROD: See Sectian 1004.016 <br />1. 4� a lot �without a ara e a l�o�se s�all be situa�ed on the lot to rnvide ade uat� s ace <br />for a two 2 v�k�icle ara e�neetiz� all re uired setbac�s and size li�nitatio�as. <br />2. Gara es attac�ed to a rinci a� structure shall be cnnstructed in a full encl�sed �anner <br />and rovit�e a doo�° ca aUle of admit�i� a.z�d enclosin a standa�•d sizec� motor vehicle. <br />F. Co�ti t�o�s Vacant Lats: Wizere two nr more co�ti uo�s vacant lots are l�eld in sin le <br />ow��ershi withii� a subdivisian that was dul ��ecorded o�� or before Ma 21 1�S9 aa�d are <br />individuall ��ot of the re uz��ed z�ini�um area or width for the district x�x rn�hich the are <br />situated z�o s eciaJ exce �ions shall be re uired �bz the iss�ance of buildi�� erfnits <br />ro�Tided t�at such lots sl�all be treated as ane for t�e u oses of �ale and develo ment and <br />sllall be devela ed in rou s o�� fractions af rau s as si� le lots to rovide �lae z��ini�urr� <br />��'3 <br />. <br />