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2652 <br />2653 <br />2654� <br />2655 <br />2b56 <br />2657 <br />265$ <br />2b59 <br />2660 <br />2661 <br />2662 <br />Z663 <br />2664 <br />26&5 <br />266b <br />2667 <br />2668 <br />2669 <br />2670 <br />2671 <br />2672 <br />2673 <br />2674 <br />2675 <br />2676 <br />2677 <br />�AA31010.05: RESIDENCE D�STRICT S�GNS; <br />A. Sign Re�ulaiions: T�e <br />fallc�wing signs are pezmittecl in aresidence distrzcts (also refer to chart an next page): <br />� . Single-Family, D�plex: <br />Excl�sive of �o�se nu�nbers, 1 n�neplate sign fnr each s�ngle-%mily or duple� <br />dwelling �nit which shall nat �xcecd 3 square feet in area �er surface and no sign sk�all <br />be so co�strueted as to have �aore than 2 display surfaces anci znust be at least 10 feet <br />�rom tlae street rig�t-o� way line. Pez�nnitted home occupations may �ave a business <br />sig� not to e�ceed 6 square fe�t and such sign shall not be illurx�inated. (�rd. 723, 4- <br />12-�9'74; amd. 1995 Cade) <br />iC <br />2. M�tl�iple-�'arr�ily Units: <br />Exclusive of house numbers, 1 z�ameplate sign for each dwel�iz�g group o� 6 to I 2�nzts <br />which s�all not exceed 6 squa�e feet in area �ear sux�aee. 4ne name�Iate sign for each <br />dwelling gra�p af �2 to 24 un�ts w�ich shall rzo�: exceec� 24 sc��ar� �'eet in area per <br />�ur£ace. C)�e �aa�-neplate sign for eaeh dwelling unit graup abave 24 units which shall <br />not exceed 1 square foat �er unit in the dwelli�g gxoup to a maximum af l OQ square <br />�eet in axea �er surface. Such z�a�neplate signs may be afitached to t�e wall oi a building <br />or z�ay �e freestandzz�g. In nQ case shal� mo�•e tl�ar� 1 sigz� be al�ow�;d for each dwe��ing <br />�;rou�. All such signs sha1l con%rm ta setback requaareznents of the Code. Na si�� s�a11 <br />be eonstructed so as to have �ore than 2 display surfaces. Said signs znay indicate the <br />names nf the buildings, project names, may be a directory for occ�pants oar state any <br />combination o�'�he pear�ittad 'znforznatiaz�. (Ord. 878, 3-23-1981} <br />In.stitutional Uses: C�urches, �chools anci other permitted institut�anal �zses in residence <br />dastricts may have an illuminated nameplate sign nat greater �han 50 square feet in gross <br />surface area. <br />8� <br />