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2b88 <br />2689 <br />2690 <br />2&91 <br />##}B��OlO.08: REGULATIONS FOR B, �C AND I DISTR�CTS: <br />Witl�in the Business, Shoppit�g Centcr and Industrial Districts the follawing requirexnents <br />pertaini�g to wali and freestandin�; signs shall applY isee chart next page). <br />�eeqioa�o.a9: SEVERA.BIL�TY: <br />2692 Each part af the Section is �ereby declared to be independently opera�ive, a�d i£ any provisions <br />2693 of the Section is determined to be �'aciali� invalid, or inva�id as applied to a particuiar set of <br />2694 circums�ances, the re�naining parts and th� applicatian of such parts to any person or <br />2695 circumsta�ce other tihan those �ae�d invalid, shall noi be a£�'ected thereb�, and it is l�ereby <br />2696 declared that s�ch �arts wot�ld have been passed indepen.dently ofparts knowza to be in�alid. <br />SIGNS ALLOWEI� IN BUSINESS, SHOFPING CENTER & INDUSTRIAL D�STRTCTS <br />Type <br />Wall Sign <br />Freesta�nding <br />Signs <br />B-1, B-1-B and I Districts <br />Maximum Maximu�n Sign Area Place�nent, <br />1Vursaber�tllnwed AlCowed Locataan & <br />Height <br />Multiple 1 sq. ft. per lineai foot <br />a£ tenant space or <br />b�ilding fror�t (main <br />�ublic entry). <br />l o� in�erior lot, 2 <br />on �hrough Iot or <br />multipl� frontage <br />lot; nr as <br />approvec� <br />w/�naster �ign <br />plan. <br />75 sq. ft. maxzznu� �ax <br />single sided sign or 150 <br />sq. ft. znaxiz�au� an a <br />daubie sided sign. <br />Installed an <br />exteriar building <br />wa11 or facade <br />15 foot miniz��,un <br />froz� a piraperty <br />line. 20 foat <br />maximum heighfi <br />B-2, B-3, B-4, B-6, and SC Dis�ricts <br />Type Maximusn M�i�nu�►n Srgn Placement Location <br />NumberAldowed AreaAllawed <br />Wall S�gn � Multipl� <br />1.5 sq. �t. per <br />Iinea� £aot of <br />fienan� space nr <br />btz�lding front <br />(main public <br />�i � <br />Installed on exterior <br />builcliz��? wall ar <br />facade <br />Restricnons <br />Sign area for ail sides <br />of building (including <br />fi�cl canopy} is capped <br />at t�e Maxirr��m Size <br />�111owed {colurnn 3). <br />RestYietions <br />Szg�a area for a11 sides o� <br />buildzng {including fuel <br />canapy) is capped at the <br />Maxirn�rn Size Allowed <br />(coX� 3). <br />