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��� o�` ���evIl��� <br />�'i����� �ep�rtm�n�, L�ce��� Dfl�is��� <br />�G6U ����� ��nt�� l7rsv�, Ito�ev�lle9 IVII� 5511.� <br />�6��) �92--7034 <br />�,5 �fi ,:�.�) n�.� ] d� l :�i �`'� �, 'S ;'� a''� . n�� � :� �N 5 1� I�u <br />M.`�. Restaurants f�osev�.�1e), Inc. <br />BusinessName d/ta/a .Ioa Senser's Sporl;s Gri11 and. Bar <br />�ius�it�ess Address <br />B�€si�ess Pi�one <br />Erriail Address <br />2350 Cieveland Avenue, I�o�eville, � 551�-3 <br />651-63�.-2781 <br />1'erson to Contact in Regard to Business License: <br />Name <br />Address <br />Phone <br />�dic�ael H�udka <br />I kaereby apply �or �e following liceizse(s) for the te� af one year, beginni�g July I, 2C}07 ____ .. ,, an� ending .��e <br />30, zpp$ , in t1�e City af Roseville, Cauaity af Ra�nsey, State o�Minnesota. <br />Lice�se Igequired <br />PoaJBitliards <br />�+"�� <br />$70.00 (farst table} <br />$20.00 (each additzonal tab�e) <br />[aantit <br />� <br />� <br />Total <br />� <br />$ZO.QO <br />The unde�signed applicaz�t znak�s t1��s appliea#ion p�.u-suant �a alI the laws ofi the S�ate oEMitu�esota a�ad ragulation as <br />the Council of the City of Roseville xnay from time to time prescribe, i�lclud' tatue #1'7b.182. <br />A'd.T. staurant (rose 'lI�}, Inc. <br />Signat�ue Per • (/� �l � <br />�ate Jul �,16 , �Q <br />��re ins ection is �e uired before isst�ance a�'a iic��se. �'lease cai� G51-i92-734� to se� ��n ins ect'ron. <br />I�' campleted license slaould be mailed somewher� other than the business address, piease ad�vzse. <br />