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REQUEST �`OR CQUNCIL ACTION <br />2 <br />3 <br />� <br />Date: 8/13/20D7 <br />�iem No: 7.c � <br />7 <br />DeparCment Appraval: <br />��. � ,�� <br />Ma�ager Approved: Ag�nda Sectiflz�: <br />.. � .� . <br />Coz�sent <br />9 Item Deseription: Request for Approval of General Purc�ases flr Sale o£ Surp�us Items <br />I O Exceeding $S,Q00 <br />lI <br />12 <br />i 3 Intraduction <br />I4 City Code section 103.05 establishes the rec�uirerneni that all general purchases ar�d/ar confiraets <br />I S in excess oi $5,000 be approved by the Cou�cil, rn addition, State Statutes require that the <br />16 Council authaz'ize the sale o�'surplus vehic�es and eq�ipznent. <br />17 <br />1 S General Purchases or C4ntrac�s <br />19 City Staff have subr�i�ted t�e enclased x�:ems for Council revievv and approval. Funding for all <br />20 ite:ms is paravided for in t�ie current operating or capital budget. TI�e itez�s in�lude the following: <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />2S <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />Saie o� Surplus Vehicles or Equip�aent <br />City ��af� �ave identi�ed surp]us vehicles and ec�uipznen� that have been replaced and/nr are no <br />lon�er needed to deliver City programs ar�d services. T�ese surplus itez�ri:s wi11 either be traded zn on <br />rep�acement items or w�ll be sold in a public auatio� ar bid process. The items includ� the <br />following: <br />n/a No itearz�s are scheduled for sale at this titne <br />Staff Reco�n�endation <br />Staff areeoznmends �he Crty Co�neil apprflve t�e s�bmitted purehases ar�d (zf applicablej <br />authorize the trade-inJsale of surplus iter�s, <br />Courac�l Action 1��€��est�d <br />Ap�rove sub�xzitted iist ofgenerat purc�ases and/or contc�ets �'c�r services. <br />