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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />9 <br />�0 <br />13 <br />14 <br />1S <br />1� <br />1$ <br />19 <br />20 <br />23 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />3� <br />32 <br />33 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />3$ <br />39 <br />40 <br />EX'I'RACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING <br />4F C�TY COUNC�L <br />CITY OF RO�EVILL� <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />Puarsuant �a due call and natice ti�ereaf, a regular meeiing af the City Council of the City of Rose�ille, <br />County of Raxnsey, Minnesnta, was d�ly held in the City Hall at 26&0 Givic Center Drive, Roseville, <br />Miru�eso�a, on Monday, t�e 13t� day of August, 2007, at 6:04 o'clac�C p.�a. <br />The following rrierr�bers were present: and i�e fol�owing were absent: <br />Ca�xncil member introd�ced t�e following resolution and �noved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION <br />RES�LUTION AWARDING BIDS <br />FOR 2007 SANTTARY SEWER N��N L�.N1NG <br />WI-iEREAS, p�suant to advertisement for bids for the iz�aprovemen�, according to the plans aza.d <br />specificatio�as thereaf o� �"ile zn fihe affice a� fi1�e Manager o� sazd C�ty, sazd bids were �received an <br />Wednesday, Augus� $, 2Q07, a� 11:00 a.m., open�d and tabulated according to law and ihc %llowing bids <br />were rcceived com lying wi�h �he adver�isernent: <br />B�DDER AMOUNT <br />Veit & Coxxz azay, Iz�c. $112,412.00 <br />Visu-�ewer $ � 68,319.50 <br />Larnetti & Sons, Tne. $209,167.00 <br />WHEREAS, it appears t11at Veit & Campany, Inc. of Rogers, Mz�nesata, is the lo�vest responsible biclder at <br />the tabu�ai�d price of $1 �2,412 and <br />NOW, THEFt�FORE, BE IT RESOLVED t�y the City Co�.uacil of the City of Rosevil�e, SV�iz�z�esata: <br />1 <br />� <br />T�e Maynr and Manager are hereb� authorized ar�d directed to enter into a coni�act with Vei� & <br />Compa�y, Inc. for $� 12,412 i� the �arz�e a� t�e City af Rosevil�e for the abave impr�ve�en�s <br />aecoz'dzng ta the plans and s�eci�ications thereof h.ereto%re ap�roved by the Cify Co�zncil and on �le <br />in the office of ��e City Manager. <br />The City Manager is her�by a�zthorized and diarected to reiurn fort�awith to al� bidders t�e deposits <br />made with iheir bids except t�ie deposits of the successfizl bid�er and tlie nex� lowes� bidder s�all be <br />re�azned until con.taracts have bee� s�gned. <br />NOW, THER.EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by t�Ze City Cauan.cil of the City of Roseville, Min�esata: <br />The m.o�ion �'or t�e adop�ia� af t�e £o�egaing resolution vvas duly secanded by and upo� vote bei�g <br />take� thereon, the fallowing vot�d in favor and the foltowing voted against the same: . <br />Wi�erreupon saici re�olutio� was declaxed duly passed a�d a�.apted. <br />