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1 EXTRACT OF MIN�TES OF 1'�IEETIIoiG <br />2 OF CxTY COUNC�L <br />3 OF C7TY OF ROSEV�LL� <br />4 RAM�EY COUNTY, MINNES(�TA <br />6 <br />7 <br />S <br />9 <br />10 <br />I1 <br />IZ <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />X6 <br />�7 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />2l. <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />2f> <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />3i <br />�2 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />Pursuant �o due cal� az�d naiice thereof, a regular meeting n� �he City Cau�ncil of �e City of Raseville, <br />Mznnesa�a, vvas held in the Ciiy Hall in said City on Monday, A�gust 13, 2007, at 6:00 n`cloc�C p.m. <br />The fnllowing �nernbers wez�e presez�i: anc� the �ollowing were absent: <br />Co�az�cil �nember introduced the follawi�.g resolutian and rnoved its adoptian: <br />RESOLUTION <br />RESOLUT�ON R�LATING TC] I11�PRQVEMENTS <br />P�Ofi-12 COUNTY R4AD C RECON�TRUCT�(1N PR4JECT- PHASE II <br />DECLAR�CNG COST TO BE AS�ESSED AND ORDERING <br />PREPARAT�C?N 4F P�2OPE)SED ASSE�SMENT ROLL <br />WHEREAS, contracts have been let and casis have heen detez�zx�ined far Improvexneni P-06-12 Co�rr�ty <br />Road C Reconstruction Project- Phase II, the reconstr�ction of the star��t �y th� installatza� o�concrete <br />paving, cancr�te cur?� and gutter, wa�er�nair�s, sanita�y sewer, drainage, utilities, and necessary <br />appurtenances; and <br />WHEREAS, t,�ae Czty's sha�'e a�r tla.e contract price for such irnprovemant is $89,243.25, and the expez�ses <br />incurrec� or to be incurred i� t�e nnalc�ng o� suc� improvement amount �o $39,24�5.89, so ihat the tatal <br />Ci�y cost share nf the i�nprovez�ent wi.11 be $128,492. X 3. <br />NOW THEREFt}RE, be it resolved by tl�e City Council of the City of Ros�ville,lVlir�esota as follows: <br />1. Th.e portian af t�e cosi ai such irnprovemeni to be paid by t13.e city is hereby deelared to be <br />$99,494.00 a�d the portion of the cost �o be assessed against benef ted property owners is daclared ta be <br />$28,998.03 . <br />37 2. Tk�e Ciiy Manager, wi� the assistanee of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the praper <br />3$ amo�t ta be specially assessed �'nr such improve�nent against every assessab�e lot, piece or pareel of <br />39 land within the districi affected, without regaz�d to cash valuatzon, as provided by law, and he shal� �le a <br />40 copy o� suc� proposed �sessrnent in his affice �or p�blic inspectiaz�. <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 <br />46 <br />47 <br />48 <br />3. Tl�e City Manager shali, upon the cQmpletion of such propased assessment, no�ify �he council t��reaf <br />Tl�e motion for the adoptia� a��he foregoing r�solutian was duly secon�ed by upon a vofie being <br />taken thereon, the follawing voted in �'avor thereof: and the following voted against t�e same: <br />WH�REU�'ON said resolu�inn was declared duly passed a,zad adopted. <br />