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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />�pecia� C�ty Car�ncil Meeting <br />1V�onday, August a�, 2d47 <br />Page 27 <br />Al Sands, 26�2 AIdine <br />M�r. Sands opined that the outsic�.e audiior should be asked to provide <br />his recommenda�ion, since i� was his repor�; and �ha� he should be in- <br />%rmed oi tonight's aciion and then make hzs decision. <br />6 F�nance D�xecto�° Chr�s N����er <br />7 M�. Mxllex cancuz�ed wrth Mr. �ands' suggestion; that if �he Ci�y A�t- <br />S �orn�y was amcndzng �heir positzon on the impact of Twin Z,akes liti- <br />9 ga�ion, �he City Attorney send a Ie�ter to the City Auditor and �e� the <br />1 � Audi�ox de�ez-�n�ne whe�he� �t changed their audzt opinion. N.�ar. Mz�ler <br />11 noted that the audit repart captured the Crty's financial situaiion on <br />�.2 Dec�mber 31, 2d0�; and this motinn would prapose tha� in�annation <br />13 made avai�ab�e on August 6, 2007 be ineoarporated into that report. <br />14 Mr. Mi11er noted tha� al�owances and expected subsequent �v�nts <br />15 were taken into account when the audit was done; however, this tim- <br />16 ing and st�p was unusua�. <br />17 <br />IS Mayox Klausing noted that the audztox's response may indicate no <br />19 change, as his prerogative, or changes could u�tima�ely be made to the <br />20 repor�. Mayor Klausing opin�d that hc had no pt�oblem with the City <br />21 Attoxney p�reparing a�ettez� �or po�en�ial attaehment ta the 2006 �nan- <br />22 cial xepo�t, and l�tting th� auditoar make the cal�. <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />Councilmember Ih�an opined that the City was aware of pending liti- <br />gation on December 31, 200b; however, tha� they didn'� know the <br />outcome of the �itigation. Councilmember Ih�an �urth�r opzned �hat <br />�here was a dis�i�.ction betwe�n th� audit repo� and the auditor's pro- <br />fessional opinion, and the Czty's comp�ehensive annua� financia� �re- <br />port and fu�l disclosure by �he City. Cnunci�member Ih�an reiterat�d <br />her conc��n tha� th�s info�rmatzon g�ts in�o the repoart so the taxpay�r <br />on the s�reefi or on line ean see the footnote 1ine. <br />33 Couneilmember Pust �-equested that so�neone put the letter on Iine and <br />34 any additional copies o� the repor� have the letter inseried; howev�r, <br />35 a�ked that t�payear monies not be spend on reprin�ing the report. <br />35 <br />37 e. <br />38 <br />Appoint Cotnmiss�oner — Consider Appointing � Parks and Rec- <br />�eatic�n Commissione�r <br />