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Speeeal City Counc�� Meeting <br />Mo�day, August 0&, 2007 <br />Page 31 <br />1 had us�d mor� pro-active �ducationa� methods to encourage <br />2 code compliance. <br />3 <br />4 Mr. Miller noted that �he City Manager's budget was due to the City <br />5 Counci� by August 20, 2007; haweve�, didn't knaw haw far in ad- <br />� vance ii would be o�' �he meetzng before Councilmember� received the <br />7 documen�. Mr. Mzller adv�sed Councilmembers tha�, depending on <br />8 time at �he Augus� 20t� andlor August 27��' meeting, Counciimembers <br />9 would be asked by sta�'f to engage in discussions, noting the busy <br />10 agendas and need for the City Council �o adopi �heir preTiminary <br />11 budget and levy a� their Sep�embear � 0, 2Q07 �neeting. Mr. Mi�ler re- <br />12 minded Counci�mcmb�rs that this would be a not��o-exceed budg�t, <br />13 wh�ch could be reduced, but not increased. <br />14 <br />15 Mr. Mi11er �hanked Councilmembers for their insightfi.�� feedback to- <br />16 date, and encour�ged additional input between now and the end of <br />17 2007. <br />�8 <br />�9 7e Councilmember-Initiated Items for Future Meet�ngs <br />20 a. Ct�uncilmember �'us�: August 13, 2007 ag�nda -� Discussion of <br />21 Ste�ring Comnaittee Appozntment �'or the Comprehen�ive Plan Update <br />22 process; their initia�ion or elimina�ion. <br />23 b. Councilmember Ihlan: <br />24 1} Augus� 13, 200'i agenda — Reques� tha� �he Twin Lakes se�tlement <br />25 documents and Court O�dez�s regarding Twin Lakes Iitigatzon be <br />26 put on line on the Ciiy's websi�e. <br />27 �) Augus� � 3, 2047 agenda — Publzc �eport on how Twin Lakes items <br />28 will be paid gozng foz-ward. <br />29 3) August 13, 2007 a�enda - Discussion of "Paymen� in Lieu o�'Taxcs <br />30 {PIL4T}" and poss�b�e negotiat�ons �or �uch p�rovis�ons related to <br />3� the Northwestern College expansion; and her �understanding �hat <br />32 such i�ems were negotiable in a PUD Agreement. <br />33 e. Mayor Kl�us�ng; August �3, 2007 agenda — City Attorney wariiten <br />34 opinion on Councilmember Ihlan's request #3, and �and usa approv- <br />35 als. <br />36 d. CounciImember Roe: August � 3, 20Q7 agenda — Hi� �ntention to <br />37 have a d�ra�t xeso�ut�on on appoxntment of Housing and Redevelop- <br />38 ment Authority (HRA} coxnmissioners, upon receipt of a written City <br />