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C;ity of Koseville - C;ity C:ouneil Minut�s #or Juzte 26, ZU01 <br />�-E-� <br />„"`=�r <br />A k��-i�� r�c�ss foEEo�n+�d the pre�entatinn oi N-'f . <br />Ky4y[y ;zyn op�r��d t��� public h�ari�a and acc�pied p�ablic <br />corr��er�t re��rciirs� ihe finciinc�s ca¢ fhe Car-nprehensive Pla.n <br />arn2ndm�ni �na thc A�RR, �;ons�cufiivelV. <br />���stel move�, Masc�ka s�canaea, by r�sol�tiar�, �o ap�rovc tt�� <br />fiinal arraendm�r�t of fhe Gorrk�reh�nsiv� F�iar� far th� Twii� LaG<es <br />E�tsiness Park are� fror� "Business" and "Industrial" �o "Btssiness <br />Park" as descri�ed in the Twin l.akes Niaster Pl�n d�tec� J�rsc 26, <br />2C10'I ar�d as amenr��d �y CounciE wif� the Scenaric� �1. Tt�� <br />ar�end�nent �ha[! also incl€�d� t�c �ndinc�s of the AUFlR and <br />mitig�tion pl�n_ Rall Ca�l, Aye�' G�edek�, Mast�l, Klausinc�: <br />Nf�schka and €�ysyEyczyn. E�ays: non�. <br />fCf�usit��, Gaec�eic� secand�of, ta adopt a resoiutian accepf#ng i�e <br />findings of the AI�AR and Niitigatior� Plan �or the Twin Lakes <br />Business �'ark and to authdriz� staf� io pre�are response iet�ers <br />to the agenci�s providing car€rment and t€� r��ubmit t�� Mitigat€on <br />Plar� tn th� �Q� for �nal corr�ment. Rofl Cali, Ayes: Goedek�, <br />Maste�, Klausir�g, Maschk� and Kysylyc�yn. f�ays: nnne. <br />������ <br />����?�4.�a���i ��c��� <br />������a��� <br />�e�rr��ar�������� ���� <br />���a�„ �.���� �3����e�� <br />F���c <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />�.€slcouncil/nneeti�gs/minutes/2001/z�� 7/I8/2007 <br />