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REQUEST FOR Ct?�J'NCIL ACTI4N <br />� DATE: 06/2filU 1 � <br />�. . � Y _ +..�.�.+'^�...�..r <br />Itarn criptian: Public �earing to Co�sider fndi�gs of Alte�nai�ve Url�su Areawide <br />Review (AUARj, Acceptance of a Mifiigation Plan and An�endment to <br />the Camprehensive P1an fnr the Ranewed 'l�CVin Lakes Master Plan <br />,;�rF��3z,�„� <br />�� ���, � � <br />1,0 It�QUES'T�D ACTi4N <br />1.1 A public heanin� i�as be�n scheduled t€� hear comment regarding the Ahemativ� <br />Urban A�'ea'wide Review (AUAR.} �or the TwuX Lalces $usiness Parlc Mas�er Plaz� and <br />ta consid�r � Coam��rehensiv� Pla�a amendme�i for the Twin La�ces area frc»m <br />"Business" arid "�dus�trial" ta a new designatian o� "Business Park" <br />�.2 A�r the o�ase of t�e p�hlie cc�mment l�earing, #h� C����il may de�ide to appror�e the <br />�nit'rgation plan that addresses any pa�n�ia( adverse envirot�mental irnpa�ts id�ntified <br />ir� the A�AR process and to apprave tk�e ame�dt�ent tn �e conr►prehensive plan far <br />the Twin I.akes Bus�ness Pa�c area. <br />2,p Bt#CKGROUND <br />2.1 O,n Januiary $, 24f 1I, the Cit}� Cauncil approved a rnaster plan cnmcc�t for t�e Tr�ir► <br />Lakes Business Park, which constit�ted a concept�al caz�prehensive plan amendmie�t <br />to tl�e 'iwin �..�ces Mas�ter Plan. <br />2.2 On Febr�aazy I2, 2tI0i, the Gity �uncii direct�ed staf�'ta comptet�e contra�s fvr the <br />Twin Latces AUAR study by twa constil�ing �irnts, DSU and SRF. <br />2. 3 On February 24, 200 1, the City Council direct� s�aff tn o�icialIy cc�rnnnenee #he <br />Twin Lakes AUAR study o£ �he r�commended �cpncept �. scenario 1" and "�aiI <br />scenario �- sc�nario lA" arr�endme�t to the Cornpre�ensi�e Plar� for Twin Laices using <br />the services of consultants SR� and DSU. <br />2.4 4n May 7, 2t101 the City of �'tnseville c�rr�pleted and filed the AUAR for Twin Lakes <br />wi� �.he Environmental Q�►ality Baard (EQB) £or publicatian on May 1�# far a <br />required 30 c�ay comment periorl that expired on June I3,200 1. <br />2.5 The �urpase of the AUAR is to review environrriental issues (for aIl redevelopnnent <br />�ropeMi�s} in Twi� Lalces such as �c, water starag� ar�d drai�a�e capacity, air <br />c��ity, �cture in€iprovetnents, landscapin�, desigr► plan, Fa�l�ing> etc. Upon <br />ct��npl�ion of the AUAR a€nit�gation plan is prepared that ou�ines the ways th� <br />camtnunity witl address env�ronmenta� impacis based upnn the redeveloprnent plaza. <br />If the mitigation plar� is approvec�, the City is the �tespcjnsible Govee�rnent Unit <br />PF3232 � RCA(OG2601 } Psge 1 of 6 <br />